Tuesday, 30 April 2013

People enjoy watching other peoples misery....ITS FUCKED UP !!!

Hey hey hey my blogging friends I hope you are all well :)

So I was switching channels last night on the T.V and I came across a program that follows virgins on their way to getting over that final hurdle and getting some nookie. It just made me realise how sick and derranged the world has become nowadays if normal people are actually going to sit there and watch a show about some fat ugly lesbian chick who hasn't had sex yet. Most of the other people including this butch dyke had what looks to be some serious mental problems and I think this is the main reason they remain virgns because seriously for a normal person if you really want to it isn't that hard to get laid ;) Is it ? It amazes me that so many people want to watch other people in their lowest point in their life , it goes to show how the world is changing nowadays and its deinitely not for the better. If you told someone in the 60's or 70's that people in the year 2013 spend a lot of their time sitting on the couch watching morbidly obese people (biggest looser) try and loose weight and cry their eyeballs out each and everyday they would say your insane and his can't possibly be true. To be honest I think its disgusting and counter productive because it gives people the false sense of security that no matter how fat I get I can just do what they do on bigest looser and magically turn myself back into the person I once was , and to be perfectly honest with you these people who let themselves get to be 187 kilograms just disgust me ...how do they continue to eat 15 cheeseburgers for breakfast and think that this is normal human activity?! There should be a person at the door of each Mcdonalds saying NO! BAD FATTY! COME BACK WHEN UR NOT DANGEROUSLY OVERWEIGHT. Now this may sound harsh but I dont think it is because these people obviusly dont want to help themselves so other people may have to do it for them , or at least try and help them...ok maybe the Mcdonalds thing is mean and insensitive but it would be funny to see :P

                   These people should not be celebrated or normalised ...THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!

There is also this program I saw an add for the other day that was all about rednecks living in America in their trailers having sex with their sisters and just being rednecks in general , THEY ARE FUCKING TRASH THEY ARE AN EMBARESSMENT TO THE HUMAN RACE AND ARE NOT ENTERTAINING !!!. I just wonder at the kinds of people watching these shows , is it other redneck white trash seeing how their peers are travelling or is it just mainly the working middle class waching the rednecks just so they can feel some kind of sense of superiority over such feral and disgusting people. These people should me maligned and ignored and encouraged to become a part of the normal world because by celebrating people who are morbidly obese or who are 36 and a virgin or who live in a trailer with their whole extended family and have 4 teeth each and no education and no future and basically no hope, then we are becoming partly responsible for more people becoming morbidly obese and we are responsible for people to think its ok to have sex with your cousin because " I seen em do it on the T.V". Its a sad state of affairs where so many people in this world get so much enjoyment from watching other peoples misery.

That is all , Peace out , Catch

Computers are stupider than George W Bush !

Hey hey hey everyone hope ya all are good :)

Ok so sometimes my laptop freezes on a webpage and tells me " the page you are using stopped because of a running script... woud you like to stop running script? " Well fucking jesus what a question ....YES STOP RUNNING THE FUCKING SCRIPT YOU STUPID LAPTOP !! What else does the laptop need me to answer to continue working and not just freezing ...next it will be asking me " do you want me to automatically shutdown after you have just finished writing a blog which took 30 mins " why yes my ingenious laptop I WOULD like for you to randomly shutdown whilst I sill haven't posted or saved my information. Honestly what a fucking stupid question it was that brought me here to you guys rambling on about how stupid my computer is , but seriously what a question ....you can store millions of photos and countless hours of video and make calculations faster than 5000 mathemeticians could but you need to ask me if I would like if you continued to do what I requested that you do ... come on this is some kind of joke. lol ...Im always laughing when I read it ....YES STOP RUNNING THE FUCKING SCRIPT WHATEVER THAT IS AND JUST WORK GOD DAMMIT !!!! :P

That is all , Peace out , Catch :)

                       If my laptop keeps this stupid behaviour up it will end up like its buddy here ;)

Norwegian road trip last weekend ! :) :) WOOP !

Hey hey hey how is your day/night going yo ;)

So last weekend Sara and I went on a roadtrip to a mountain ski lodge courtesy of her work sponsoring the local Drammen soccer team Stromsgodset :). Her boss let us borrow her car for the 4 hour drive which was super cool. Everything was paid for ....EVERYTHING including the fuel for the car , all the food and alchohol (which resulted in me getting blind drunk and offering her boss and her husband life advice haha woops :P ) , and of course the accomodation was free also which was just god damn awesome! Driving throug Norway is a lot different to just sitting on a train which I have done many times now because when u are driving you actually drive throug all the small old towns which is better than being on the train which just drives through the countryside which is nice but not as good as a road trip ! :) I will just post up a few pics and tell you about them and hopefully you can see a bit of Norway through my eyes :)

Seeing these kinds of landscapes is just unreal for someone coming from Australia and it really makes me appreciate living in Norway and the amazing landscape it has :)

This was some awesome small settlement in the middle of nowhere which must have been established over 900 years ago as the church which is situated here was built around 1170 :) Seeing this kinda stuff for me is just fucking epic and I love history and all that comes with it :) This other church below im not sure about but damn it looks cool haha :)

 That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 29 April 2013

Technology will be the death of the young generations !!!!

Hey hey hey everyone how the bloody hell are ya :)

Ok so yes this seems a bit hypocritical when im complaining about technology on a blog and when you think about it I suppose it is haha ...but im gonna do it anyways :P

This so called "age of technology" is doing my head in !! Why wasn't I born in the age of the viking where the biggest and baddest dude got all the glory and all the chicks ..whilst I know im not the biggest dude im also not the smallest too, so maybe I could have lead a small band of vikings travelling the countryside raping and pillaging at will. ( no mum I dont mean the raping part ...piliging ...for sure ! ) Either way im getting away from the topic haha. But it just angers me so much to be living in a world so dominated by technology, and to an extent this involves myself much to my dismay. Do kids even know what a cubbie house is ? Do kids even know what dirt tastes like ? Do kids even know what falling off a bike and scraping your knee feels like ? Most probably no , because they are to busy stuck inside infront of the idiot box or jammed infront of a computer or glued to the screen of their parents I-Phone ... Does anyone else wonder why kids have so many chronic allergic reactions nowadays ? I think a part of the problem is that they DONT know what dirt tastes like and they havent scraped their knees and by keeping them inside in the early period of their lives when they are developing their immune systems and buildng up natural defences to fight off all these allergies and allergic reactions, they are basically wrapped in bubble wrap they dont have exposure to these certain allergies/toxins etc and their body will have no natural defence against it when they are adults . Again im getting slightly away from the topic but this all relates to technology as its the main reason for this whole thing occuring.

The main  reason I do hate/loathe the age of technology is the social imapct I beleive it will have on young and developing minds. As children and the youth have less and less actual interactions with human beings they will not develop the proper skills needed to have proper and meaningful relationships with their peers and in turn I think this will result in a bad state of society in which people are completly unaware of how to read other peoples emotions/feelings. Whilst this doesnt sound bad beleive me it will be...and I should know because im a child psycology expert ( ok maybe im not but im pretty confident about this :P ). When I was growing up we played in the streets and knew all our neighbors and rode Go-karts down our street and ate dirt and threw rotten mangoes at each other , nowadays I dont think even %10 of kids would know most of their neighbors and even if they do they wont have a strong connection with them. When I was about 14 my mum moved into a new place and she decided just to not have a T.V and at first I thought it was crazy and my life would be hell whenever I would have to go to mums for the 2 weeks of the month , but as it turned out this actually made a vast improvement to my life and my relationships with my mum and my 2 younger sisters as I was forced to go to the park with my sisters , I was forced to sit and listen to Triple J on the radio in the loungeroom while reading a book , and when I look back on my childhood this period is always remembered as one of the most enjoyabe and fun and rewarding times.

                                         This photo scares me and it should scare YOU too !!

Now im not saying that I know everything about parenting or anything like that but what I do suggest to parents out there is that every night/afternoon you only let your children have maybe 3 or 4 hours of  "technology time" per night and then they will be forced to go outside , be forced to meet the other kids in the street , be forced to interact with their siblings and get to know them better as people and create strong and meaningful relationships early in their lives. During their childhood is the time when they learn the most and build their brains and personalities to be who they will be in their adult lives. Im no expert but this makes sense to me and I hope it does to you guys also , spread the word , MAKE kids enojy life if they won't do it themselves ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch :)

Yeah I have a big beard ...NO im not a Muslim !

Hey hey hey people back once again after being a bit slack recently ( A man's gotta have a life :P )

So yeah I have a big beard but god dammit that doesn't mean im a bloody Muslim or a terrorist who wants to explode himself infront of a bus full of children. Seriously the looks that I get from some people ( I would estimate about %1 or %2 of everyone ) are just unbeleivable , some people seriously look at me in utter disgust and contempt that they even have to share this planet with such filth as myself. Well you know what I feel the same way about them. They look at me as if I had a chance I would bomb the school where their kids went and then go and eat the severed limbs from the aftermath ( sorry to be so gruesome but this is seriously the way im portrayed in their ignorant minds ).

                                                   More beards !!! Less hate !!! :) :)

One of the great things about having a beard is that these ignorant people who wouldn't have had an interesting conversation in their life don't talk to me because of my beard and it makes me so happy to know that basically just because of the way I look that people who I would NEVER consider talking to already automatically don't want to talk to me ....WINNING :) ! If there were more people who were a bit eccentric in the world who did things just a bit different and looked a bit different the world would be a better place and a happier place with less people spending time judging people just from their appearances and more people engaging with each other.  ( sounding a bit egotistical I know but you see my point I hope ) In saying all that I must admit that I myself judge people from time to time based on their appearance ...but that doesnt mean I will give them looks of disgust when I pass them on the street and it certainly doesn't mean that I would have a problem starting up a conversation with them if I felt the need ...and I hope you would to :) . Love the world we live in and everyone in it ...until you find out for SURE that they are a dick head or a terrorist of some sort :P

That is all , Peace out, Catch :)

                                                        More beards !!! Less hate !!! :) :):):):):):):):):):)

Friday, 26 April 2013

In Norway if you take one day off work they make you take 3 !!!

Hey hey hey people how are you all today :)

So in Norway if you take one day off because you are sick they make you have 3 days off work all fully paid ...well technically they dont make you take the 3 days off but if your going to get paid for them anyways you would be crazy to go to work when you are going to get paid anyways. If Australians heard about this probably they would seriously consider moving to the other side of the world where they WANT you to not only "chuck a sickie" but they will reward you with 2 extra days off if you do decide that life is more about living than just working for the man everyday. Another crazy thing that happens here is that I have heard about people getting fired and then because of the stupid laws or whatever here they have to continue working at the same place for 3 MONTHS after they are told they are no longer needed . hahahaha. This is just INSANE....im pretty sure that if you fired me and I was required to keep working for you for 3 months I wouldnt be doing shit , infact I would even go as far as to hinder your business for my own pleasure and revenge towards you for firing me in the first place ...I mean what are they going to do ...fire me ??? haha. I dont pretend to understand why these crazy laws or whatever they may be are in place but hot damn it makes me want to get fired ...I would turn up everyday dressed in just a nappy and have a stuffedtoy bear under my arm and a dummy in my mouth and only say the words mumma mumma repeatedly . Crazy crazy laws here in Scandanavia ... looking forwards to getting fired one day ;) :P

That is all , Peace out , Catch :) Have a good weekend people im off to some mountain resort with my gilfriend Sara and its all free because its a work bonding weekend or something ...all I know is that they have free buffet dinner and that makes me one happy Australian ;) , Catch

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Leaf Blowers are as usefull as tits on a bull ...

Hey hey hey everyone back with another instalment of me telling you about stuff I think about other stuff ;)

Seriously how retarded and stupid and annoying are leaf blowers ...all they do is transfer the mess of leaves or whatever you are blowing to another area , and with an extreme amount of noise and energy and they even use fossil fuels so in turn are very bad for the environmet aswel . Yesterday I saw a guy using a leaf blower to try and move gravel on a road and I was more than happy to see that when the gravel started to pile up that it just wouldnt be moved by the blower ...sir that will learn you for being a really big dick and even trying to blow gravel with a leaf blower , talk about bringing a sword to a gunfight haha . Last of all is what I dont understand the most and it is the fact that people dont use leaf VACUUMS , usually the amount of leaves you need to do away with isn't a great amount and could most probably be put in a large sized bag wich these garden vacuum things come with and then you can just tip the bag in the bin and the leaves will never be a menace to you ever again. People who use leaf blowers should be shot on site ! ;) :P

That is all , Peace out , Cacth :)

                                                         Worst invention ever ????

Jersey Shore is what's wrong with the world !

Hey hey hey ladies and gentelmen I hope you are all well ! :)

Ok so last night I was flicking through the programs on t.v and changed to what I thought was south park but it turned out to be Jersey Shore and I watched about 5 minutes of it to see what all the stupid kids are watching these days and fuck me this is a sad state of affairs in this world if this is what the youth are watching . I would rather watch a homeless person sleeping on a bench for 10 hours than watch a whole episode of that shit . I would rather watch a YouTube video of someone watching a video of someone watching paint dry. I am not joking at all when I say that I am very scared about what will happen when im old and this new generation of phone toting trogladytes is in charge of the world ...who's going to make all the tough decisions ??? A fucking i-phone app ??? There are wars going on around the globe , people are starving to death in many places , unknown amounts of governments are corrupt and injust and people are sitting their watching some chic named Kooki complain that she hasn't had her nails done in 3 weeks and her new hair colour doesnt match her pet poodle which she keeps in her handbag. The same goes for this other show my girlfriend unfortunately watches called Paradise Hotel , its just as bad if not worse ...im just glad they are speaking in Scandanavian so im not becoming less intelligent just from hearing the crap and bullshit they go on about. No amount of words and comments can explain my hatred for these kinds of shows and how stupid and useless and counter-productive they actually are , so I will leave it at that. ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch :)

The future of the world will rely on people like this ....uh oh . :(

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Girls get all the good shit!!! ( a lot anyways )

Hey hey hey people hope you are all well :)

Ok so yes im playing with fire here but hey im an expert of playing with fire ;), im good at pretending I am anways haha .

So there are many things that girls get that guys dont get and this blog all stems from when I was at home the other day an I felt like a drink but I didnt have any coke to mix with my whisky , so I decided to just cut up and orange and squeeze it into the whisky and there was some lime and lemon about so I put that in an then added some sugar because I thought it would make it better ...only then did I realise I had actully just made myself a cocktail and that if my mates saw me doing this they would call me a fag and a girl . Why does a drink that has some kind of spirit and juice and some sugar suddenly become a cocktail and EXREMELY un-manly ... im making a stand and saying that ...well ok maybe I wont...but if other people will I will join in :P

Another thing that girls get that guys don't get is pregnancy ...now I know this won't go down very well with most girls but here me out ;) . So yes there's the fact that you have basically push something the size of a football out your ass ( anology for guys ) but hey it's only really one day of pain and the benefits of being pregnant are endless ...first of all you get to have about a year off work and if you ask guys if they could go through maxiumum 24 hours excruciating pain for 1 year off work I would say %99 would say fuck yeah where do I sign up. Then there's this whole thing where they say that they have these cravings for random things at random times because of the "hormones" and other things relating to pregnancy that NO men can confirm because of course we cant get pregnant ...unless we are Arnold Schwarzenegger then its possible but only with the help of Danny Di Vito. Back to the point because no men get pregnant my theory is that girls just make up this whole "hormones" thing and demand anything they want at the snap of a finger and they can even yell it at you if they want because of the "hormones" and because they are carrying our child , I reckon hormones are like Santa Claus ... and im sure a lot of people would agree ;)

If Arnie can do it then it can't be that hard ;)

The last thing I want to talk about is moisturising cream ...I am not getting any younger and after a big night out the other day I examined myself in the mirror and decided that if I dont do something about my ageing then I will look 40 by the time I am 30 so I figured moisturising cream would be the way to go because I see Sara using it all the time and she has great skin and same goes for most chicks, but the instant I purchased it I felt weird and un-manly somehow ...I know people say that men are becoming so called Metrosexual but fuck me most of these "men" reffered to as metrosexuals spend 45 minutes getting ready and iron their underpants before going out and I just don't want to be associated with anything of a sort ... but I dont want to look old ...so im going to be putting my anti ageing moisturiser cream on and drinking my "cocktails" until the cows come home. I will start to call my "cocktials" different names like " lightning water "  and " power juice " and " Sharks teeth " ...it will make me feel better anyways ;)

That is all ,Peace out , Catch ,

Singing to Dubstep at work ...

Hey hey hey wat the hell is up people ? :)

So as im a serious lover of the dubstep music genre im constantly listening to it at work and that in turn also involves singing to what im listening to , and if you have ever listened to dubstep you will know that im not lying when I say im pretty sure I sound like a demented whale getting killed by a walrus who has epilepsy . Some of the guys at my work must walk past the room and here some seriously fucking weird sounds coming from it haha . Sometimes people just open the door and look in and often I might be "singing" to the beats etc and also getting down when the bass hits, this usually results in them looking at me like I AM trying to impersonate a demented whale getting mauled by a epileptic walrus, haha. The other day just as a massive drop hit a guy walked into my room and I had the crazy weird look on my face that just seems to arrive when a heavy drop hits, for some reason in my mind it makes sense for me to make a face like im having an orgasm and getting punched in the nuts at the same time when the bass hits ...just maks it that much dirtier somehow. Either way I don't care to much what people think of me at work just as long as they know im working ...which I mostly am ;)

That is all , Peace out , . Catch !

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Bashar Al Assad bombs civillian hospitals !!!! He must be stopped !! (Syrian war)

Hey hey hey people how's it going. ? :)

As you may have guessed I want to talk about Syria and the atrocities that are going on there right now and that have been for over 3 years now . Fighting between government troops loyal to the president Bashar Al Assad and rebel fighers who want him gone has resulted in at least 70,000 deaths ( many estimates are much bigger ... 150,000 ) and approx 4 MILLION people have been displaced by the fighting so far. With many more people reported to be missing.

Bashar Al Assad will stop at nothing to bring his own people to their knees to bow down to him as a complete dictator and he has used many horrific and disgusting tactics to try and bring about as much pain and suffering on his own people as he can. This has included government troops targeting civillian hospitals and also lines of people waiting to get bread from local bakeries , and there is many other accusations against the government troops including the cold blooded shooting of women and children and even rape and torture .

The fact that this kind of conflict can continue for so long with the whole world is basically just sitting back and watching and doing nothing is just INSANITY !!! Its not as if we dont KNOW whats happening, it just seems like the whole world doesnt really care ...yes the U.N is supplying the rebels with small amounts of non lethal supplies etc, but the fact is the government troops have tanks and planes and sophisticated weaponry and the rebels have no tanks no planes no advanced weapons. The rebels are taking heavy losses whilst Bashar Al Assad directs his troops to carry out bombings on civillians and massacres of women and children .

Surely the time has come for the international community to stop sitting on their hands and doing nothing and make some moves in getting rid of this evil man , I understand Syria is allied with Iran and also Russia and this could create a political storm if the western countries were to intervene but how many more innocent people have to die before something is done. I feel ashamed and outraged that this war continues and that the world just sits back and watches hospitals get bombed , lines of people trying to get bread bombed , schools BOMBED !! I dont have the answers to what has to happen but I do know one this is for sure and something has to happen , and SOON !!

That is all , PEACE out , Catch


Hey hey hey people how are ya :)

Ok so everybody knows what im talking about here and its just absolutely rediclous ...I can understand if you have made a 7 course meal that took 2 days to prepare but if you post a picture of the steak and vegetables you are having for dinner then dont expect me to be impressed . Also while im on the point about stupid things on facebook ( there are actually to many to list ) and unfortunately its more about stupid people posting the stupid thing on fb rather than fb being stupid itself as its actally pretty cool :). When you post something like "why is it so hard" or " I hate men!" and then dont go on to explain what u are actually talking about then this becomes very annoying because its so obvious that u are just craving attention and want people to ask " ooh poor you I hope your ok , Love you heaps " this is just shit just bloody tell me what the problem is and stop trawling for attention through social media.

 Soon im going to post a picture of the shit that resulted from the photo of my dinner which I put on facebook the night before and see how you like that !!

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Croatia set to join the EU ...

Hey hey hey peolpe how are you ! :)

So today I read the Croatia is nearly finished the process of joining the EU , which I dont really fully understand as the fact of the matter is that Croatia could most likely just be a liability to this already fragile union of countries . Croatia is my favorite place I have been to in Europe thus far ...people are friendly, beer is cheap , food is great and the beaches are amazing but the country is definitely not an economic powerhouse by any means.
Croatia has massive umemployment rates in 2008 it was %13.4 and this year it is expected to hit       %20.4, which is MASSIVE !!! This means that possibly more than 1 in 5 people would not have work and therefore not contribute and form of tax or revenue towards the government coffers. The population is shrinking, in 1991 the population was 4.7 million and now it is less than 4.3 million which in the current climate of population growth throughout the world is one of the worst and its not all due to the fact that many of Croatias Serbs left in the 1990's. The ex prime minister, Ivo Sanader, who instigated the whole process of joining the EU was last year arrested and convicted for corruption and is still on trial facing other changes. This just proves that even though they may be trying to conceive a strong democratic country that it will take time for the peoples minds and actions to change to that of a country that would be fully co-operative and an actual benefit to the European Union.

I dont pretend to have a full grasp of all the reasons why the European Union was formed but I do know that to me it seems to have just put the economic superpowers of the union in a very tedious position where they are basically somewhat responsible for the many other countries that are in the union. These countries that have taken most of the bourden of bailing out the failing economies are France and Germany with Germany being the biggest economy in the EU so it has been the biggest provider of funds for the bailouts .

What I fail to understand is why they are still even considering accepting Croaia into the Eurozone when the Euro is already under immense pressure and nobody can see any light at the end of the tunnel, infact the tunnel is just black and never ending, as recent reports have stated that Portugal may need a second bail out to keep its economy afloat . It just seems to me like Germany and France are staying in the Eurozone too long and they need to look at ways to get out while they still can because there are many economies within the Eurozone already that look to be about to go under , Cyprus-Italy-Spain-Portugal just to name a few.

In conclusion I am just amazed at why Germany and France keep bailing these countries out , its almost like an alchoholic uncle who has a chronic gambling problem always coming over and asking for money for food for his kids etc ( when we know he will spend it unwisely )...which of course he never returns because he doesnt even have a job ...how many times will Germany and France put out their hands and save these countries before they think about themselves and just leave the Eurozone . I didn't want at all to single out Croatia as a problem country it just happens to be trying to join the Eurozone at this point in time .

Cofusing world we live in . Peace out, Catch  ( Picutre of Primosten in Croatia )

In Scandanavia even the ugly chicks are hot ...

hey hey hey ...I know that sounds crazy but seriously its pretty much true ...the best anology I can use is that if your on a bus in Australia there might be one ...maybe 2 really good looking girls on the bus if your lucky ...here every bus u get on there is at least 5 or 6 super hot girls! The other night me and a mate were out at a bar and just looking at the girls coming in it seemed like an endless parade of hot chicks ...pretty much all blond and blue eyes ...its insanity!!!. So men of the world I give you this advice ...come here and get yourself a hot chick because there's plenty here to spare and they all speak great English ;) ...just a note this doesnt really include Denmark as the girls there are ok but nowhere near the standard of the Norwegian and Swedish ones ...with the Swedish girls being slightly hotter ;)

That is all . Catch ;) ...( They basically all look like this ! haha )

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Living in Oslo...

Living in Oslo has its ups and downs ....in the summer its bloody great but in the winter its basically hell on earth ....for an Australian experiencing his first proper winter it was anyways haha .

First of all its so clean and tidy and proper haha there is basically no rubbish anywhere and the public transport is exceptional ...the trains are luxury standard and even have a huge toilet and even coffee making machines etc , all just on a 30 min train ride ...also if ur smart about it u dont have to pay for the public transport ....I have been here for nearly a year and not bought a ticket once .... ( they just hardly check ) they also have signs telling you which train carriage will have a conductor so they make it easy for you ...friendly Norweigans ;)

Ok so the winter ...I will never forget the first time I saw snow ( saw some really light snow in Aus ages ago but not proper snow ). Anyways I was at work talking to a mate of mine and I looked outside and it was snowing and I said to my mate " THATS FUCKING SNOW ISN'T IT!!" He replied yeah man ur gunna see a lot of it ...not dettered I was so exceited I opened the window and stuck my hand out to try and catch some on my hand haha. But the excitement slowly dissapeard and when it got to minus 20 degrees celcius and I was walking to work and my beard was freezing everytime I took a breath then I was just angry ...I call that cold angry cold because it just used to make me angry . In saying that it was really nice to be in a climate of snow and proper winter seeing as though I come from Brisbane where its super cold if it ever gets to 0 degrees.

In the summer Oslo is fantastic as its situated on big fjords and breathtaking coastline where you can bbq and swim up until about 11pm when it starts to become dark ...even though sometimes it never gets fully dark at all ...which was just insane for me to experience haha .

Norwegians are generally very friendly people even if most of them are quite reserved when you first meet them and they all speak nearly perfect English which was a huge releif for me. :) Norwegians do seem to have a lot of money from all the oil that was discovered in the North Seas around the 1970's but they only really actually started to see any of the money around the early 90's because of a lack of organisation and since then the government has been firm on taxing the oil companies as much as they can to benifit the country , this has resulted in a very rich/expensive living standard ...a pint of beer will usually set you back around $13 AUD ( one time I paid $16.50 for a bloody pint !!!) And I will never forget the first day I arrived and Sara and I went to get lunch at some normal and not fancy cafe and I got a steak sandwich and an orange juice and it cost me $35 AUD ! ....and I remember thinking to myself ....your fucked ...thats fucked ....it wasnt even a good sandwich haha . But since then I have learnt all the tricks of making your money last here in Norway and probably my most succsessfull theory is to stay home and do nothing because whenever you leave the house it costs money somehow ( boring but effective ) ... Sara used a toilet in a shopping centre and it costs bloody $1.75 AUD ...ppl ask me if its expensive here and I tell them its even expensive to wipe ur ass...because its true ;) .

Living in Oslo is pretty cool and I have made some good friends here already , its a big city but not too big ( 600,000 people ) I would say just right almost ...there is a lot of immigrants though and being one myself I find it hard to complain about it ...but I still do haha ....its not that I dont like or agree with immigrants its just that it seems to me that there is way to many here ... immigrants are fine and all but if you have a country full of immigrants then the whole culture of Norway can change and it could possibly loose some of its identity...at my work there are about 20 or so guys who I work with and only 4 or 5 of them are actually Norwegian with most coming from Poland.... sometimes it seems like Norwegians think they are all entitled to a job and that they dont have to work hard on the jobs because the other people from other countries will just do the work anyways ....not one of the Norwegians at my work seems to work hard , one guy I know for a fact basically does nothing and everyone knows but because he is Norwegian nothing is said ...this of course doesnt count for all Norwegians , just some of the ones I have met so far :) .

On a whole there are many things to do in Oslo if u know the right places/people and many cool places to check out and I always love having people come and visit so I can show them the sights and delights of this Scandanavian city .

End of story . Peace out . Catch ;)

The Mona Lisa is overrated !

Now that I have seen Rome and Paris I have come to the conclusion that while art and monuments etc are really cool and interesting that if we had spent this time on science and technology and advancing the human race we would all have a teleporter and a cure for every disease known to man ... I know some ppl think the Mona Lisa is the beez kneez but let me tell ya a teleporter is much cooler ;)

Worst game ever !!

I just downloaded a game called F18 CARRIER LANDING LITE ... turns out the name is correct , u just land an F18 on a carrier , but another great thing is u can choose from 4 different planes to land ... if this is how complicated games are now days they have really gotten lazy on the whole object of a game and what the word entertainment means ... next big hit Zx24 DOOR OPENER MEGA APOCALYPSE 3

Travelling !!! Been to a few places now , thought i'd let ya know what I think of them ! New Zealand-Thailand

I always knew in the back of my mind that I would eventually do a lot of travelling ...even if it did basically take me until 26 years old to realise I would have to SAVE some money to do this, im glad I now know how to save and see the rewards for saving are huge as travelling is god damn awesome !

First place I even went to was New Zealand with my best mate Rob for 10 days and it was crazy to say the least , we arrived in Dunedin travelled up to Queenstown where we did 2 bungy jumps in a day ( it was %50 off it you did more than one jump in 48 hours so after the first one we got off the bus and walked straight back to the front desk and booked another one for that night ) It was freaken epic bungy jumping the first one we did was from a cable car in between 2 mountains over a river ...it was 134m and it was almost as scary jumping as it was going out on the small cart that takes u to the middle ...the second was at the very top of Queenstown and it was only 50m or something but damn it was still great , from there we met a couple of guys from Europe ...I forget where they were from
 and they were driving the 5 or 6 hours to Christchurch the next day so we tagged along with them and then arrived in christchurch where we met up with my mate Robs friends who he had lived with previously in a flat there ....this flat was nasty and crazy haha I remember seeing a half eaten sandwich on the floor in the loungeroom and 4 days later when we left it was still there , we had a keg party and we all had turns at getting help up vertically upsidedown on top of the keg and skulling for 10 pumps of the keg each , the night ended up with the boys chasing some racist Nazi kids down the street with metal poles and the police being called.

Second place I ever went overseas was Thailand , again with my mate Rob ,this holiday even started off great as I started talking to this girl next to me in the queue to check in and we soon became friends and spent the whole 2 hours waiting for the plane just talking and getting to know each other , then we arrived in Brunei and we decided we would just go through immigration and go outside and take a look around just to see whats what , but we basically just ended up walking around a freeway under the glare or many young men all starting at this chick I had with me because she was showing some skin ...that was all good and then we went to get on the next plane and it was a 4 hour stopover in Brunei and then 5 or 6 hours flight to Bangkok and they put us in seats next to each other and this was when I started to loose it as I decided to try and push the conversation through the whole flight and that resulted in me saying many stupid and extremely boring and obvious things and also resulted in her begining to think I was weird and possibly insane haha , needless to say she lost me pretty quickly after we landed ;)

So the first 4 nights me and my mate just hit the party scene super hard in Patong (Phuket) , everyday we would wake up and just start drinking again , at one point I actually lost a day because I couldnt remember any of it haha , the partying there was crazy and we met so many ppl and did a lot of crazy shit in those 4 nights but after that we got down to a schedule of party one night rest one night , which was good , we travelled to Phi Phi island which was really amazing and we stayed in a bamboo shack on the water which cost us only about $15 AUD each per night ...it was super basic it had one fan and a toilet with a shower and only cold water ...but it was all we needed , except in the night there was a beach party that went on directly across the water and the music absolutely pumped until 4am every morning wether Monday or Saturday , so on the nights we had off we would just lie in bed sweating and not being able to sleep from getting pounded with "BARBRA STREISAND WOOOWOOOOWOOOOWOOOOOOO" Lets just say I will be happy if I never hear that song again . Then after that we made our way to Krabi for 3 nights ...Krabi was shit ...it was like an old couples holiday resort ...that and a place where the old European men can walk around with their prostitutes holding hands and pretending they like each other ...we both hated seeing these nasty nasty old men walking about hand in hand with some 15 or 16 year old girl knowing full well whats going on behind closed doors ...there should be some kind of vigilante police force just rounding up these guys and ....well I wont say the rest but they should be dealt with in a very harsh manner because they are filthy and disgusting and degenerates and they shouldnt be allowed to take advantage of young needy people like that .

After Krabi we went back to Patong where we stayed for a few nights until Rob was heading back home and leaving me alone for the last 10 days of my trip , 2 days after he left I took a bus to Surat Thani and then a ferry across to an island called Ko Samui where my good mate Jason had been many times and had a girlfriend working in a hotel there where I could stay for a discounted rate , this is where I met my girlfriend Sara , I was drinking in the Irish pub where I had drunk a few nights in a row now and had a good mate there who was from Canada whom I was drinking with and arguing about how much better cricket is than baseball and thats when I noticed a girl standing under the T.V I was watching cricket on and she was dancing like a crazy drunk woman, she was with another girl whom happened to be Sara so I said to my Canadian friend , hang on a minute im just going to go talk to these girls , and then after 5 minutes I said I needed to go to my room to get some money and did they want to come with me as there is a bar on the beach across from my hotel and they said sure so I left the bar with 2 beautiful girls and gave a wink to my mate and I was off , we all went to the bar and got really drunk played pool , they invited some more ppl there and we all went swimming when we were all really drunk ( apparently I told Sara I was a lifeguard back in Aus and it will be safe because I will be there ) and she beleived me of course thinking that everyone from Australia is a lifeguard and we all have kangaroos in our backyards etc. After that we went back to her friend Agne's place and drank and partied some more and then I asked Sara if she would like to come back to my room for " Mini Bar and "conversation"" and that was how we hooked up ...more or less ;).

After coming back from Thailand I knew I had met someone special as I got to know Sara better through msging on facebook very regularly , I will never forget the time she first called me and we spoke on the phone other than the time in Thailand but it was just after I had done a skydive with my mate Luke and we were at a pub in Redcliffe having a beer to celebrate and we ended up talking for about 30 mins and things pretty much went from there ...it was a whole 9 months until I actually saw Sara again and this was when she came to Australia for a month and we went on an epic road trip ( 6000 klm) ...but thats another story altogether ;)

Anyways thats it for this post people.
Peace out . Catch ;)

Biggest and baddest blog this side of Kentucky begins !!

Hey hey hey everyone my name is Lachlan Skelton and this is the start of my blogging adventures!

First of all i figured I would tell you all a bit about myself , I am 28 years young , Australian , I live in Oslo (Norway) with my Swedish girlfriend whom I met in an Irish pub in Thailand ...love telling that to people haha , I work as a painter/plasterer on a construction site here in Oslo ( I actually work in the government area which was affected by the bomb set off by the nasty individual Anders Brevik ).

This blog will not have a topic as such but it will just be a general blog about things that i feel are imortant/funny/informative/interesting ... from my facebook some people suggested to me that I should start a blog , so here I am ;).

Seeing though you dont know me and I dont know you i have decided to post up a list of shit that I like , here goes :)

-My girlfriend :( oh yeh im racking up some big points by putting that there...)
-Music: ( I LOVE music and am always listening to it constantly ...mainly Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Rock, some Indie and also some other stuff like some Aussie hip hop and even some psychadelic rock ;)
-Friends ...Where would you be without them ...even though most of my friends are back home in Aus im always trying to make new friends and i would say im a medium amount succsesful at this haha
-The outdoors: .Coming from Australia of course I love the beach and miss it terribly , I Also used to go on many hikes through the rainforest near where I lived and climb the many mountains around the area to , such a great way to relax and just unwind and be by yourself.
-Bodyboarding: ( its like surfing but you lie on a board instead of standing on it ) Of course this goes hand in hand with missing the beach but I used to go bodyboarding with mates of mine back home at least once a month ...usually at least every 2 weeks ...nothing better than sharing a big joint and then catching some waves with good mates while having a laugh .
-World News: The world is a very interesting place and I am always trying to keep up to date with the goings on around the big wide world. I will often be posing my feelings/beliefs about what is going on in the world today wether it be bad or good , unfortunately as of late I mostly am talking about bad things , not always but a lot more than I would like.
-Travelling: Before I went to Thailand (where I met my beautiful girlfriend...more points ) I had only ever been out of Australia once when I was 21 and me and my mate Rob went to New Zealand for 10 crazy days, but I finally managed to get my ass into gear and save some money and went to Thailand for a month ...which was amazing and better than I could have hoped. Since then I been to shitloads of places ;) , Sweden , Norway , Denmark , England , France , Croatia , Italy , Morocco , Scotland , with my favorite by a long way being Croatia ...where you can buy a 2 litre beer from the supermarket for $2.50 AUD and u can drink it in the street, not only that but they have the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen , the water is paradise ...even though there is no waves to catch the beaches there are the shit ;) , and the people are super friendly which didnt fit in with my pre formed steriotypes of Croats but I was all to happy to change my feelings about them after they were welcoming warm and helpful ...complete opposite in Morocco though , but thats another story altogether :)
Having a laugh: Life is not meant to be serious all the time and we need to have a good old laugh every now and then , when u are happy it helps the other people around you to be happy and so then the whole world can be happy ....sort of ...you get my point anyways :)

Of course there are many more things that I like ...such as toilet paper ...wiping my ass with my hand wouldnt be so fun and I also like chairs as it means I dont have to sit on the floor and it hurts to do that because I have a fucked knee ( like royally fucked ) , I also like garlic bread ...so easy to cook ( put in oven ) and it tastes so damn good ! But im getting away from the point , I like many things I just though I would share with you the most important things to me.

I have never written a blog or any such thing in my life so I dont really know what im doing haha but from what I can understand its just basically me telling other people what I think about stuff and whats going on in my life etc because I know there are many ppl out there who hate their lives and will spend there time reading anything to avoid having to talk to their "loved" ones ...im not saying thats any of you but it might be.

Even though I am here writing to you on the internet/blogoshphere I have to say how much I actually dont like the technology age that we live in ... when I see a baby in a pram playing some stupid game on an Iphone I feel like taking the phone from the baby and smashing it infront of the parent and say " why dont you do some parenting instead of letting machines do it for you !!!". I just fail to understand how parents can let their childrens lives get dominated by technology , I spent my childhood in cubbie houses throwing rotten mangoes at each other and riding my go cart down the street ...nowdays I bet %90 of children dont know what a cubbie house is or have even ridden a go cart. The future generations will have serious psychological problems relating to social interactions and how to read a human emotions.

Anyways I think I will leave it there for the moment because I dont want to bore people writing for ages about stupid shit that is not really that important , this will be my blog and as I said it doesnt have a topic as such I will just post whatever I think should be shared with the world .

Peace out. Catch ( I have started to end all my msgs and emails with just the word catch ... im hoping it will catch ;) on and become the new thing ...might be waiting a while though as not many ppl are doing it ....yet !)