Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I HATE GOVERNMENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey hey hey all my government loving (hopefully not) mates. This post is going to be a huge rant so get ready !

Just now I read that the Australian government is going to spend $5.3 TRILLION dollars subsidising fossil fuel companies in Australia in a time when we are suppose to be moving AWAY from these old and outdated ways of procuring energy. The whole world has lost its fucking mind ! In a time when the Arctic is melting most probably due to the fact we have been abusing fossil fuels for so long in our ultimate wisdom we decide to drill for oil where the ice is melting !!!WHAT A FUCKING REDICULOUS AND SAD JOKE !!! The problem is its not a joke. It is REALITY. WHY WHY WHY !? I feel like such a dick to be living in these times when the whole world (a lot of it anyways) just doesnt give a single fuck about saving the environment but cares more about the destruction of it for a quick profit ... what the fuck are we going to do in 50 years when the whole world is fucked because of what we did NOW !? This next picture is a great example of why we need to get ride of fossil fuels , and NOW ! Its pretty much self explanitory !

I cant express how angry these things make me. Why is it this way ? Why cant more people see the light and see that we are killing the world . Not killing it slowly either , we are absolutely and positively raping it at an ever increasing rate! If you want to help in even a really small way can you please go and sign this petition which i will put in a link below ! Would be super awesome if you could ! The world these days is fucked but we cant just sit back and let it continue like this ... we need to stand up and say what we think. That we love our planet and we need to save it. Not kill it!!!


That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

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