Monday, 6 October 2014


Yo yo yo all my AMAZING followers I hope that you have been SUPER AMAZED by some rediculously shit internet video recently , you most probably would have when you consider that there is about 43,987,987 videos of the dumbest shit ever that people have decided is AMAZING !!!

I will tell you whats amazing is the fact that people are so quick to overexaggerate anything just to make it seem better/funnier , how many times have you seen on your FB feed someone liked a video which its title reads "Funniest video ever!!!" No its not the funniest video ever , it may be funny but no need to go on about it like "OMG OMG OMG MUST WATCH" . No I musnt watch it and InFact just because your over excited ass talked it up so much im going to boycott it in spite of your eagerness to over exaggerate (take that exaggerating dicks !) . Why cant someone just post up a video and say "Moderately funny video , not the best , not amazing just pretty cool" THAT I would watch ! Personally for me there is nothing better than watching and old person fall over doing something they should definitely not be doing - eg riding a skateboard or chasing their grandchildren around the backyard , of course its not so cool if people actually get seriously injured.

I just found a "FUCKING HILARIOUS" video of old people falling over , most of them are doing things they def should not be doing hahahahaha pretty funny shit yo ;) I love the way old people fall over sometimes .... they take a few bad steps and you know they are going to fall they know they are going to fall yet they still never seem to brace themselves very well ... In fact you could almost say they lead WITH their hips haha - no wonder so many of them break their bloody hips hahahaha . Anyways check out this video and please dont go on and on about how every single fucking video is hilarious because an elephant sneezing on a kid is funny . One thing its not is FUCKING HILARIOUS !!

While im going on about facebook I would like to vent some other greivances I have with the multitude of dicks I seem to have on FB . If you have started a new diet well thats fucking great , whats not great is seeing all your fucking meals with bullshit hashtags like #paleodiet #Health #lifestylechange #headupmyass . Its great that you are trying to get fit and healty etc but fuck me keep it to yourselves and dont post up your yictures of your shitty healthy food either , it doesnt even look good , it looks like a piece of dogshit next to some vegetables. The last thing is people posting up picks of their 6 packs and their massive guns (muscles) ... good for you that you spend nearly all your free time at the gym with your head halfway up your ass looking in the mirror telling yourself how good you look - send those pics to your mum or your fucking girlfriend because im not impressed and im sure im not the only one . Anyways that is all for the moment haha :P

I have no fucking idea who finds this shit attractive anyways (being a bodybuilder)... most people I think who look like this just have low self esteem and no real personality so they just focus their shitty boring lives on getting fit and huge , kinda like how a lot of insecure people base their lives around religion because they are to scared to face the real world and think about real world problems and not the ressurection of some make beleive god. Look how disgusting this guy looks !

That is all, Peace out , Catch ;)

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