Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Some things I will never get used to in Norway !

Hey hey hey all my interweb mates , been having a lot of views from Poland lately ! Czesch ! I think thats how ya spell it haha u guys have crazy spelling , a few of my good mates here in Norway are Polish and I visited Szezchin a few months back and it was pretty cool , not the best city for a tourist but I went there cause a mate of mine is from there . Anyways moving on .

Ok so now its coming into winter here in Norway and it got me thinking about the many things are EXTREMLELY different from life back home in Australia. here are just some.

The Darkness -
In Norway in the winter the sun will only rise at around 9:00am and it will set around 3:00 so u get only 6 hours of sunlight , if there is any sun that is . I remember one time I literally did not see one second of sun for about 2 weeks and fuck me I nearly went insane ! But the darkness also has a good side , well kind of . In the summer there is fucking shiteloads of sun ! The sun will come up around 4:30 am and wont set until around midnight, which is cool as fuck and sometimes makes it a bit hard to get to sleep haha . Feels really weird going to bed most nights around 11 and its still light as day outside.

The Cold-
Coming from Australia this is an obvious one but seriously it get FUCKING COLD !! The coldest I have felt is around  minus 25 degrees celcius and when it gets that bloody cold I like to call it angry cold because I get angry when its that cold . Minus 10 or 15 actually isnt that bad (never thought it would ever say that) and u can deal with minus 15 but when it gets minus 25 its just fucked.

The drinking culture-
Norwegians dont mind a drink and like to party almost as much as Aussies , well not almost but still they do. But the crazy thing is that in the summer they drink and party HEAPS and its a normal thing to go to the fjord or park and drink and have bbqs until midnight even on a Monday night if there is sun . Buuuut if you are walking around the city with a beer in winter or any of the colder months then people just look at you like your some kind of criminal or low life scum and it really shits me . Note in this photo the chicks in bikinis behind these people , this park would be in the middle of the city yet there are chicks in bloody bikinis everywhere haha crazy shit right there ! N.B I dont know these people haha

The sports-
The most popular sport in Norway after soccer would be cross country skiing and seriously I dont understand why ? Ok you come from a country where there is a LOT of snow and you all like to ski/snowbaord but why cross country ski !? What about the half pipe in snowboarding or the aerial skiing where they do like 6 flips and 12 spins and a grab and then land. THAT is cool !. Watching people basically run with skiis for like 30 kilometres . Its like if marathons were the most popular sport in Australia , there is basically zero skill involved , its all about stamina , and whilst I do admire their stamina and their endurance its about as exciting as watching people run on a treadmill for 2 hours . Probably now the government will find out I said these things and I will soon be deported as is the level of love these people have for this mind numbingly boring sport.

The social interaction , or lack thereof -
In Australia when Sara came to visit me we were in a lift on the way down from our apartment we were staying in and some lady hopped in and just said gday what are you guys up to today and I said this and that and asked her the same and then we got out and went our own way and Sara immediately asked me -"did you know that lady?" I said no she was just being friendly and this kind of shit happens everywhere everyday in Australia but does that happen here . NO (well not much) . A lot of my good mates back home have been made from meeting people in the apartment buildings where I lived but that is most probably not going to happen here . Its not that people are not friendly they just like to keep to themselves , if you say hello to them they will say hello back and be friendly but thats about it. Oh and whilst we are talking about social interaction I may aswel talk about the whole mobile addiction thing . People in Norway seem to think that their phones actually give them life and that if they dont look at their phone for 10 minutes they might die . Often I see couples out on a date or even a group of friends and they are ALL sitting there staring at their stupid fucking phones and not actually talking to each other .

The whole not going outside for 6 months -
This is probably the biggest thing that gets to me because back home I was always doing things outside - playing Soccer/cricket/football , bushwalks , bodyboarding , camping and many other things but because I cant ski or snowboard because I have a knee that needs reconstruction there is really not much to do in the winter but sit inside and watch movies and play boardgames and "make cosy" as Sara likes to call it haha. The good thing is that now I have a few good mates so we can get together and have a couple of beers and play some poker or something like that :)

The amount of hot chicks -
It is REDICULOUS how good looking the women are in Scandanavia (Lucky I got me one) , I even wrote a previous blog post dedicated to just that. I say that in Norway even the ugly chicks are hot haha . A mate of mine says that the chicks are so hot you wanna marry the chick serving you at McDonalds. I dont know what they have in the water up here but whatever it is is bloody working! This is a Picture of what basically ALL the chicks look like in Norway/Sweden , ;)

Ok methinks that is enough now because nobody wants to read a bloody book , this is a blog not a diary haha. I hope I didnt offend any Scandos with my thoughts but really you gotta admit cross country ski is boring as fuck haha :P

That is all , Peace out, Catch ;)

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