Hey hey hey all my friends around the world ... did you know that people read my blog from all over the world!? Crazy shit yo!!.Just today this is where people have viewed my blog from , Sweden , Norway , Australia, America, Malaysia , Indonesia, Canada, U.K and China ... yes somehow my blog is not censored in China and someone viewed it from there ... probably the government buy hey I will take it... and thats just one day ! Im nearly at 6000 views so either a lot of people are getting lost or maybe my blog aint so bad haha :P
Are YOU awake ?? I had a friend recently say to me he was happy to see I am "awake" and at first I didnt understand him but then it dawned on me , he means he is happy to see im awake to all the wrong things in the world , the main one being the governments. Now im not saying everything about governments is wrong , someone has to be in charge otherwise anarchy will reign ... but the people who are now in charge are not helping anything and in fact they are nearly all only there for personal gain.
Ok first of all look at what happened after the Global Financial Crisis , the main reason it happened was from some very shady and ILLEGAL dealing that was done by people high in banks and their banks closed because of their greediness and wrongdoings ... why did they offer home loans to people who clearly cant afford it , why charge so many stupid and rediculous fees when all you are doing is holding peoples money and making shitloads of interest from it? Anyways im pretty sure that NOBODY has been held accountable for this and in fact the people who created the problem are STILL in charge of these banks and STILL receive multi million dollar bonuses while average hard working families get their houses reposessed.
Ok here is the obvious one ... the American government just does what it wants. There was NO evidence of there EVER being WOMD (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq yet they still went to war with them and bombed the fuck out of their country killing hundreds of thousands for the so called mission to bring Iraq "freedom" and "democracy" ... if they dont want democracy then dont force it down their throats with bombs ... it will just make it worse ...and it did... now look what has happened ... it is just as bad if not worse than it was over 10 years ago when they invaded. Have you heard about guantanamo bay detention centre ? Im sure you have ... have you heard about what they do to people there ... I watched this documentary called Road To Guantanamo (Picture of it below) and it opened my eyes to a world of hate, torture and confessions made under duress. They are caged like dogs , beaten repeatedly and depreived of everything that it means to be a human being. Think about this one case of an English\Pakastani man who was caught up in the war and ended up there in guantanamo , he said that they would handcuff your hands not only behind your back but undernearth the back of your legs so you are in a squatting position and cant move and then they would put you in a pitch black room and play heavy metal music really loud at you for up to 4 hours at a time ... and thats just the tip of the iceberg ... there was so many more terrible Things that were described by inmates , crazy thing is that its still OPEN !... watch this documentary and you will be amazed and scared at the same time !!
Ok I just looked at all the political scandals in American history and its to much to talk about . Wikipedia it and the list literally goes on for about 200 pages!. So I hope you see my point. Whilst we need governments in a sense, in general they really do only bad for us and force us into a life of "modern day slavery" in which we have to work at least 40 hours per week and we only get 1 month off per year and we pay excessive amounts of tax to this government and they just seem to waste it on unjustified wars and supporting Companies\corporations that are out to screw the working man.
Ok so the big elephant in the room is the American government and they have been lying and screwing people since , well ... since forever ... I mean look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki , the Japanese said they would surrender yet the Americans still dropped the Atom bombs and then had many many scientist stay in the country and monitor the effects of the radiation poisoning within the population for decades to come. Not many people know that the Japanese actually tried to surrender many times do they ? Also the biggest and most obvious sign of American corruption was 9\11 ... the biggest dissapointment is that most people beleive it was the "terrorists". Here is a list of things that I know are FACTS and the American government can NOT explain any of these FACTS.
-Why was Osama Bin Ladens family secretly flown out of America on the day it happened when all other planes were grounded , for "Security" reasons say the government... ummmmm I am pretty sure that if you wanted to find someone you would KEEP the people in their family because you would want to ask them questions etc.....
-Did you know that the remnants of the two twin towers was quickly taken away by the government , not allowing for a thorough investigation of how the buildings managed to come down in the first place ( no highrise in the history of mankind has ever collapsed due to fire) which is actually ILLEGAL to take away evidence of a structual collapse without a team of highly trained engineers being allowed to complete a full investigation. All the rubble was quiclkly transported away on trucks who then took it to huge ships to be sold off to China.
-Most of the so called "highjackers" actually came from SAUDI ARABIA and NOT Afganistan as it was alledged.
-World Trade Centre building number 7 , thats right another building collapsed that day also , due to "fire" the fire is very small and only on one floor and it is still unknown why\how it started.
-Have you seen the pictures from the so called "plane" that "crashed" into the pentagon?. Take a look at this picture and you tell me how the hell a plan went through a hole that looks like that .... WHERE IS THE DAMAGE FROM THE AIRPLANES WINGS !!!! WHERE !!! ???
Ok I think thats enough government bashing for a while haha otherwise people will start to think im an insane conspiracy theorist :P. The really crazy thing is that all these things I have said are actually FACTS yet im still the one to be pointed at as the crazy one ... go figure haha :P. Anyways hope I have opened some peoples eyes a little bit , I dont really care if you dont beleive me just that you at least read what I think and have an opinion on it is all I ask ;)
That is all, Peace out, Catch ;)