Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Just about to hit 6000 pageviews ! CHEERS C#NTS !!!

Hey hey hey as it says in the title I am about to reach 6000 page views for this blog and I reckon thats pretty farken cool right? The other day I noticed that there was even somebody who looked at my blog from Botswana for fucks sake!!!  Crazy shit right there yo ;)

Anyways just wanted to say thanks for looking at all the stupid stuff that I put up here and I hope it can entertain you in any kinda way because thats what its here for ;) To show my appreciation I will now post up some random funny photos of myself to show my appreciation for everyone who spends their time and internet usage\money to look at some stupid Australians blog ... enjoy ....well try to anyways. :)

This photo is a great photo that I have posted before but I will post again ... I posted this on my FB as a joke one day and it got a lot of laughs and that made me smile because thats what I put it there for , you gotta learn to laugh at yourself every once in a while ey ;) Pretty damn sexy I reckon :P What do you think ???


This is a photo of me looking like a Taliban holding some explosives I found on a contruction site I was working on :P Probably not the best idea to put shit like this up on the interweb but im no terrorist so no worries maaaaaate ! ;)
This photo is when I forgot how to use my earphones properly :( :P
This last picture is of me trying to seduce YOU ;) haha Sexmachine ! :P
Anyways just wanted to again say thank you to all the people who read my blog and also people who tell other people about my blog because it helps me to want to continue doing it when I get more page views ... its like a drug kinda ;) ...Not that I would know because drugs are bad ... mmmmmmkay. Anyways take it easy ! Take it easy all you crazy mofos!!!
That is all, Peace out, Catch 


We stayed in a cabin in the Norwegian countryside ... it was freaken EPDAWG !

Hey hey hey all my nature loving mates how the fuck is your person ? I hope your bloody good , im ok , not good not great just ok .... not having a job really sucks a huge amount of testicles but hey getting depressed and shit wont help so thats why I aint to bothered ;)

Anyways just before christmas last year Sara and I went and stayed at a mates cabin in the Norwegian countryside (Norefjell to be exact) and fuck me it was so freaken AWESOME ! First of all it was like a full on log cabin place but it still had all the ammentaties like kitchen\bathroom\lounge room and also a kick ass fireplace. There was a lot of snow and we drank a lot of booze and talked a lot of shit...what more could ya want !?. Here is a pictue of the cabin and how awesome it looked. Would say more but these pictures explain themselves about how awesome it was ;)


So yeah this is where we stayed for a couple of nights and fuck me it was so awesome ! They even had this other hut\building that was ONLY for BBQ`s and seriously it was nearly the BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ! I mean as an Aussie I already love BBQ`s shitloads and to have a HOUSE OF BBQ was just freaken amazing ... its just a house with a huge BBQ pit in ithe centre and seats all around so in the winter you can just chill in there and have a BBQ and get drunk and damn thats what we did, with much pleasure. Anyways again words dont express well enough how cool it was so here are some pics of it ;)


And this is what is looked like on the inside ... JUST ONE HUGE BBQ !!! ;) Check it out ! ;)

Honestly I was like a fat kid in a candy store with the BBQ house .... I still seriously think its the coolest thing EVER! Much appreciation to Mikaela and Leif for having us stay there ... good company in good places ... you just cant beat that shit thats for sure ! ;) Anyways just had to share this time with my blog peeps cause it was dang awesome ! ;)

Here is a picture of my tackling a snowcastle that I made hahaha its def not the most flattering picture of me but hey I realised I really dont give a fuck ;) Good times indeed ! :D

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Friday, 24 January 2014

A few more things about facebook ;) :)

Hey hey hey all my social media loving mates I hope you dont participate in any of the following things im going to complain about in relation to people use (mostly overuse) of facebook. I do not mean to offend anyone, just saying it how it is yo ;)

Ok so heres the deal , im on FB a lot , right now its mainly because I aint got no job and it is a great way to see what all my mates are doing back home in Australia and there is always something resonably entertaining or somewhat (I use that term loosely) educational. Anyways these are things that people do that just shit me. :P

Post up 15 times per day, I have a mate who is on holidays in a tropical paradise and they have been posting up photos on FB about 4-5 times per day ... seriously if you are on holidays and you are on facebook more than once or twice a day YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! I understand that you want to share you holidays with everyone but fuck me to update photos 4-5 times (sometimes more) a day is just out of control. Enjoy your  holiday and stop going on facebook all the time! Ok I see what you had for breakfast, ok I saw that you went on a boat (both start and finish pictures of course) I see that now you are relaxing on a hamock on the beach , which is awesome , but fucking enjoy it and stop looking at your god damn phone !

This is NOT how you enjoy your holiday ! Go swimming, read a book, play beach volleyball, go snorkeling- MEET PEOPLE!

All these pages that are trying to scare you of EVERYTHING ! Ok whilst I admit I do beleive in a lot more open things than most people but there are just some fucked up pages that will try to convince you to beleive anything. This one page called "This page will blow your mind" is the worst ... in the past it has tried to convince me that.

-The governments put flouride in your water as some type of mind control.
-You shouldnt drink commercial milk because it contains puss cells, faeces, acidic proteins from leeches and calcium from bones.
-If you lable two bottles filled with cooked rice - one with "I hate you" and the other with "I love you" the one with the hate turns all mouldy and disgusting and the one with love stays nice and white and clean .... fuck off you stupid cunts, if that was true ...well I cant even beging to explain the billion reasons why its not, fucking crazy People.
-That smoking canabis CURES cancer .... come on you idiots , whilst I admit cannabis does have some MENTAL healing powers basically if you smoke ANYTHING its gunna be bad for you. Stop lying !
-And many other countless INSANE beleifs , whilst they do have some good posts a lot are just insane ones such as the ones listed above haha

Another thing thats stupid is when people post up shit like "why is life so hard" and then expect people to feel sorry for them and ask "oh poor you whats wrong how can I help" fuck that you just want attention if you tell me whats bothering you straight up then I might want to help or something but if you are just "vaguebooking" as they call it then expect no response from me...

SELFIES !!! Seriously its out of control ! Some people post up like 2 or 3 selfies per day , someone I saw posted up a picture of their face and just said "dinner with grandma" well WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FOOD OR YOUR GRANDMA!!!??? The caption should of read, " Really up Close Picture of my face at my grandmas" There was NO FOOD there was NO GRANDMA just this persons face for the 3rd time that same day ....STOP. IT!

Anyways thats enough ranting for this post haha , there are many good things about facebook but there are also many things that shit me. Anyways do what you want on your facebook just know that I will probly block bour posts if you are doing any of the stupid shit mentioned above... I have only around 250 FB "friends" and I think I must have blocked the posts of about 40 haha, doesnt mean I dont like them , just means the shit they do on FB annoys the fucking shit out of me ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Thursday, 23 January 2014

WAKE UP !!!!

Hey hey hey all my friends around the world ... did you know that people read my blog from all over the world!? Crazy shit yo!!.Just today this is where people have viewed my blog from , Sweden , Norway , Australia, America, Malaysia , Indonesia, Canada, U.K and China ... yes somehow my blog is not censored in China and someone viewed it from there ... probably the government buy hey I will take it... and thats just one day ! Im nearly at 6000 views so either a lot of people are getting lost or maybe my blog aint so bad haha :P

Are YOU awake ?? I had a friend recently say to me he was happy to see I am "awake" and at first I didnt understand him but then it dawned on me , he means he is happy to see im awake to all the wrong things in the world , the main one being the governments. Now im not saying everything about governments is wrong , someone has to be in charge otherwise anarchy will reign ... but the people who are now in charge are not helping anything and in fact they are nearly all only there for personal gain.

Ok first of all look at what happened after the Global Financial Crisis , the main reason it happened was from some very shady and ILLEGAL dealing that was done by people high in banks and their banks closed because of their greediness and wrongdoings ... why did they offer home loans to people who clearly cant afford it , why charge so many stupid and rediculous fees when all you are doing is holding peoples money and making shitloads of interest from it? Anyways im pretty sure that NOBODY has been held accountable for this and in fact the people who created the problem are STILL in charge of these banks and STILL receive multi million dollar bonuses while average hard working families get their houses reposessed.

Ok here is the obvious one ... the American government just does what it wants. There was NO evidence of there EVER being WOMD (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq yet they still went to war with them and bombed the fuck out of their country killing hundreds of thousands for the so called mission to bring Iraq "freedom" and "democracy" ... if they dont want democracy then dont force it down their throats with bombs ... it will just make it worse ...and it did... now look what has happened ... it is just as bad if not worse than it was over 10 years ago when they invaded. Have you heard about guantanamo bay detention centre ? Im sure you have ... have you heard about what they do to people there ... I watched this documentary called Road To Guantanamo (Picture of it below) and it opened my eyes to a world of hate, torture and confessions made under duress. They are caged like dogs , beaten repeatedly and depreived of everything that it means to be a human being. Think about this one case of an English\Pakastani man who was caught up in the war and ended up there in guantanamo , he said that they would handcuff your hands not only behind your back but undernearth the back of your legs so you are in a squatting position and cant move and then they would put you in a pitch black room and play heavy metal music really loud at you for up to 4 hours at a time ... and thats just the tip of the iceberg  ... there was so many more terrible Things that were described by inmates , crazy thing is that its still OPEN !... watch this documentary and you will be amazed and scared at the same time !!


Ok I just looked at all the political scandals in American history and its to much to talk about . Wikipedia it and the list literally goes on for about 200 pages!. So I hope you see my point. Whilst we need governments in a sense, in general they really do only bad for us and force us into a life of "modern day slavery" in which we have to work at least 40 hours per week and we only get 1 month off per year and we pay excessive amounts of tax to this government and they just seem to waste it on unjustified wars and supporting Companies\corporations that are out to screw the working man.

Ok so the big elephant in the room is the American government and they have been lying and screwing people since , well ... since forever ... I mean look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki , the Japanese said they would surrender yet the Americans still dropped the Atom bombs and then had many many scientist stay in the country and monitor the effects of the radiation poisoning within the population for decades to come. Not many people know that the Japanese actually tried to surrender many times do they ? Also the biggest and most obvious sign of American corruption was 9\11 ... the biggest dissapointment is that most people beleive it was the "terrorists". Here is a list of things that I know are FACTS and the American government can NOT explain any of these FACTS.

-Why was Osama Bin Ladens family secretly flown out of America on the day it happened when all other planes were grounded , for "Security" reasons say the government... ummmmm I am  pretty sure that if you wanted to find someone you would KEEP the people in their family because you would want to ask them questions etc.....

-Did you know that the remnants of the two twin towers was quickly taken away by the government , not allowing for a thorough investigation of how the buildings managed to come down in the first place ( no highrise in the history of mankind has ever collapsed due to fire) which is actually ILLEGAL to take away evidence of a structual collapse without a team of highly trained engineers being allowed to complete a full investigation. All the rubble was quiclkly transported away on trucks who then took it to huge ships to be sold off to China.

-Most of the so called "highjackers" actually came from SAUDI ARABIA and NOT Afganistan as it was alledged.

-World Trade Centre building number 7 , thats right another building collapsed that day also , due to "fire" the fire is very small and only on one floor and it is still unknown why\how it started.

-Have you seen the pictures from the so called "plane" that "crashed" into the pentagon?. Take a look at this picture and you tell me how the hell a plan went through a hole that looks like that .... WHERE IS THE DAMAGE FROM THE AIRPLANES WINGS !!!! WHERE !!! ???

Ok I think thats enough government bashing for a while haha otherwise people will start to think im an insane conspiracy theorist :P. The really crazy thing is that all these things I have said are actually FACTS yet im still the one to be pointed at as the crazy one ... go figure haha :P. Anyways hope I have opened some peoples eyes a little bit , I dont really care if you dont beleive me just that you at least read what I think and have an opinion on it is all I ask ;)

That is all, Peace out, Catch ;)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Hey hey hey all my animal loving friends, I hope you love and respect animals as much as I do and not as much as Berlin Zoo does because they make them live in small and depressing cant even really call them enclosures ... its like a huge jail!

So yeah I had read a little about people saying that some of the conditions that the animals were kept in at the Berlin Zoo were really bad and small and just shit in general so I figured I would see for myself. _To be honest im not glad I did because it was really heartbreaking to see these huge animals such as lions and tigers kept in these really small conctrete Cages. The whole time we saw the lions and tigers they were just pacing around the cage like an insane person would in a jail cell .... its because IT IS A FUCKING JAIL !! These animals are\were wild and whilst yes I do think zoo`s are generally great and really important for the world to see the beauty that inhabits it without having to travel the world, but the enclosures need to be a LOT better than these ones. Here is a Picture of a tiger in its Cage ... um .... pretty sure they need a cage at least 3-4 times bigger and with a lot more shit in it than just a piece of wood and some shitty concrete platforms where they can sleep. Ok I do admit it was winter and their summer enclosure are a lot bigger but fuck me in Berlin its cold probably 4 months of the year so this is not acceptable. LOOK AT THIS !!! The Cage goes for about 4-5 metres either side of this photo and thats it !!! NOT COOL !

This was so depressing to see such huge and magestic animals kept in these jail like conditions where they all just looked depressed and sad ....nearly EVERY single animal in the zoo I saw looked sad and depressed .. and dont tell me you cant tell because they dont talk , you can see it in their eyes and their body movement. I remember saying that the elephants looked like they wanted to commit suicide ... im sure they probably would if they could because there was about 4 of them kept in this pen which was about half the size of a football Field and it had NOTHING in there ... like NOTHING !! What bullshit! Elephants are very intelligent animals and need to be stimulated so y0ou would think at least they would have a few fake trees in there or some kind of waterhole or something ... but no ...NOTHING !

This last photo just really summed up the whole trip to the zoo and its of some deer (bambi as Sara called them haha) and well ... the picture speaks for itself ... look at this ... this is a JAIL !! Its really depressing and somewhat stressfull to see animals kept in such conditions all for the benifit of their captors , to gawk at and take 4000 photos of them. I remember seeing a big bear lying on the floor right at the front of the glass looking desperately at people and all they did was shove their stupid camera infront of him and flash away with their stupid cameras. People nowdays dont really care about the animals they just care about how good the photos will look when they post them on social media. Stupid fucking ignorant people. Just look at how these deer are kept !!

Anyways just wanted to let the world (the 15 People that read my blog haha) know about how shit the Berlin Zoo is and to NEVER go there because its just a sad and cruel place ... not only are the animals sad but the zookeepers are just for the most part your typical angry hard nosed german with no sympathy towards the animals whatsoever. It looks like they really treat it as just a job and not something they love , every other zoo I have been to the zookeepers really love and enjoy their job and realise its a priveledge to be able to look after all these amazing animals ... not a burden! DONT GO TO THE BERLIN ZOO !!

That is all, Peace out, Catch ;)

On my birthday we checked out some viking graves and ruined castles ... ya dont get that shit back home in Australia !!

Hey hey hey all my well travelled friends , how fucking good is it to live in Europe ! The other day I was in Sweden AND Denmark then the next day in Germany ... frickin awesome I tells ya ;)

So yeah when we were in Sweden on my birthday I decided that we should borrow Sara`s parents car and do a small road trip around South Sweden.. mainly around Karlskrona where Sara is from. I wanted to go look at these old ruined castles and viking graves because that shit is bloody awesome and pretty much ALL Australians love all that shit because as you know we dont really have much history in our country ... other than we invaded it in 1780 and havent left since ... so to see ruined castles from the 16th and 15th century is always cool ! But the more I think about it the more paranoid I start to get that im getting old... but hey if getting old means travelling around and seeing bloody awesome old things then bring it on ! Anyways here is a couple of pictures from the day , the first one is of the viking graves which was super cool , and also makes me feel somewhat connected to them because actually I had relatives in Sweden in the 1850`s-1890`s so in my head im always thinking that maybe back in the day my heritage came from the vikings ;) I hope so anyways ! Possibly this is the grave of my ancestors... possibly ;)


This second photo is of some ruined Castle built by the Danish when they ruled the South of Sweden around 1600 ... not much to see really but you could just feel the history that went down there ... bloody awesome I say ! ;)
This Third Picture is of Sara climbing over some really shitty fence ladder thingo to walk through some muddy fields to try and find this ruined castle haha ... she hates this photo so being the asshole I am I figured I would post it up on the whole intraweb for everyone to see ! Love ya Sarez ! ;) :P
This last photo im just going to put up because I think its funny and I also dont want to start another topic on this post cause then it will be too long ;) This is my impression of a gay Riddick ! ;) :P
That is all, Peace out, Catch ;) 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The government is there to help you become the poorest you can be ! THANKS C#NTS !

Hey hey hey all me 2014 intraweb pals , happy new year ! Hope your new years was freaken EPDAWG like mine ! :) :)

So here is the deal , im gunna complain heaps about governments and how shit they are and how much they let people down , so if you like governments .... then... your a dick head because seriously they are so fucked up.

So yeah I have been unemployed now for around 4 months ( With some small part time work in between ) But for the most part have been living cheap and being boring. The thing that shits me is that I cant get any financial assistance from the government here in Norway or either back home in Australia ... and this makes me so fucking ANGRY ... I have worked for over 10 years paying my taxes (which are excessivly high) and I have NEVER been on unemplyment benefits but now when I actually need it I cant get it , mainly because my visa has run out here in  Norway ... why you ask has it run out .... because even though im married and I applied for this visa early October last year I couldnt get a fucking apointment to hand in my papers until JANUARY 6TH !!!! Over 3 months just to have an apointment where all I do is hand in my papers and then am promptly told that it will take up to 6 months but hopefully less ... which means it will most likely take fucking 10 months ! They have this fucked up system here in Norway where if you didnt earn more than 127,000 NOK ( around $15,000 AUD ) then you CANT GET ASSISTANCE .... so basically your telling me that because I didnt earn a certain amount of money LAST year that I can get any assistance THIS year ... oh yeah makes heaps of sense.... awesome government.

This is my view of the typical politician\CEO\ anyone in a position of great power really...


You know what really gets to me is that I have worked here for around 15 months and worked fucking hard (much harder than most) and I paid the rediculously high tax rate of %35 and what do I get to show for it ... fucken nothing .... so im sorry but I just needed to have this rant because im really fucking angry as its so hard to find work here in Oslo right now and I cant get help from either my government or the Norwegian one .... seriously ... what the fuck is the point in paying taxes if I cant get a little help from the government ... just ONCE you CUNTS !


The crazy shit is that I have this piece of paper that says I am able to work in Norway while my visa is being processed but I CANT get ANY Financial assistance ... even though I can work .... what the fuck???.  I would understand if I had just arrived or something but I have been working here for nearly 1.5 years and paid shitloads of tax ... but for what reason ?

Anyways dont want to rant on to long because its depressing but i really needed to vent my anger about this shituation ;) Hope you all dont fall into the cracks of the bullshit government systems that we all live under. :)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

G`day G`day everyone :) HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! :) IM BACK ! ;)

Hey hey hey all my 2014 intraweb mates I hope your 2014 will be the best year ever ! :) Much love and peace to everyone and I hope that you can bring love and peace to your loved ones :)

So yeah been a bit slack recently having holidays and then getting back to reality (which sucks balls mind you) But now im back and ready for a great 2014 blogging (and some other shit) ... my plan is to get to a stage where I have 12 million views per day :P ...then if you use the blog money making calculator then I can probly make around $25 AUD per day which is enough for food ... seriously why do they even offer to pay you for blogging when in reality (where MOST of us live) you cant make fuck all money and really the only people who will actually make money are already famous people who are already rich (how most of the world Works) .... ah fuck!!! ... ahwel lucky I do it because it gives me a great sense of satisfaction to spread all the bullshit I like to talk around the world haha. Cheers for listening motherfuckers ! ;)

So how was everyones new years\Christmas\holidays ? (rhetorical question haha) Mine was damn good, thanks for asking ;). So we were off to Malmø in Sweden for a weekend and then off to Karlskrona where Sara is from in Sweden and we stayed there at her parents place for a week ... which was ok ...I say ok because a week is a long time to spend with anyone really haha ... but her parents are cool so its all good, although her dads super dry sense of humour sometimes becomes a bit much , but luckily I know them so well now I dont have to laugh at all his jokes because now im comfortable around him haha ... sometimes his jokes are funny but a lot of times they are just bad haha. Anyways the coolest thing we did when we where there was go to an ice hockey game and fuck me it was AWESOME ! We could only manage to get standing "seats" in the area where all the fans where and it was crazy.. there was a small fight in the first minute and shit was going on all the time ! The one shit thing was that the local team Karlskrona had not lost a home game in 15 games and then of course the first game I go to they lost like 8-6 I think was the end score. I have been to a LOT of sporting events in my time ( Soccer, Rugby Union , Rugby League , AFL , cricket , baseball, swimming ) and I would say that ice hockey is one of the most exciting ! Shit was going on all the time and even though most of the time I had no idea what was going on it was still fucking EPDAWG ! Here is a photo from the game that I took :)

Then after that we were off to Berlin and hot damn it was pretty damn good ! Its a shame it was winter because im sure its a much better place in the summer, as are most places in Europe in the winter,  but still it was a great 4 nights we had there including new years night which was great , although we didnt make it to the main square where there was ONE MILLION People ... and im glad we didnt haha, fuck that ... I get huge anxiety when there are 1000 People in a small area let alone one MILLION ;) Anyways seeing the Berlin wall was probly my highlight because of the amazing art on the wall itself , I wanted to see so much more but the people I was with had seen enough ... that really sucked balls but when your with a goup of 4 ppl and you are only one person you can only make so much of the decisions haha , owel , anyways here is a picture of me and Sara kissing infront of one of the most iconic sections of the wall ;) haha


Figured I would throw in another Picture of Berlin since it was so cool with all this old building etc, it
was actually really surprising how much survived World War 2. Not sure what this building is called but I call it the dome building with some gold thing on top .... thats the Scientific description that is ! ;)

Anyways there was a few other Things that we did on Our trip including a terrible trip to the disgustingly inhumane Berlin "Zoo" and also a small road trip around South Sweden on my birthday. But I get to that in a later post ;)

That is all, Peace out, Catch ;)