Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Getting on a packed bus kills my soul...

Hey hey hey all my city dwelling mates I hope your city isnt as busy as Oslo because Oslo is a bloody busy place. ( it is also a place where ppl keep to themselves way way way to much )

Today I got on the bus and there was probly about 734 other people on the bus and fuck me not only does it make me somewhat anxious and claustrophobic but it just reminds me that we are all just like sheep herded into a pen and then let off where we live. It really actually makes me depressed a bit because it reminds me of how I live my life. I WISH I lived in the country near a lake and I had some cows and a goat or even near the beach ... oh fuck that would be awesome ... pretty sure im just gunna just MAKE Sara move to Australia eventually because seriously I was thinking about it today and without a word of a lie there are only 4 good months here in Oslo , May-August ... the rest its either really fucking extremely cold or just pretty damn cold and raining and thats just bloody depressing.

Anyways back to the bus , there was this little guy , close to a midget but not actually a midget , but he had a bag as big as him on his back and he decided what a great idea it would be to read his magazine on the bus STANDING UP WITH 54 OTHER PEOPLE ....seriously what a fuckface , people amaze me sometimes ... no , all the time , but unfortunately its not really good things , for the most its just fucking stupid shit like that. So many people in this world think they are the only people in the world , but some people I see make me happy. There was a guy on the subway last night who was just singing and getting down to his music and he was so happy and he smiled at me and I smiled at him and it made me feel better about the world (kinda gay I know haha) , most people thought it was annoying and were looking at him kinda angry ... fuck them!

This reminds me of a time when I was on the subway here in Oslo and there was this homeless guy who managed to bring a whole box full of old rubbish onto the train and he dug in there and found an old used yogurt cup and he proceeded to squash it into his face and lick the nasty looking old yogurt that was still in there and it was fucking HILARIOUS ! Problem was I looked around at everybody else and if they werent to busy glued to their stupid phones they were just ignoring this guy , I just burst out laughing out loud and wondered why nobody else was. Nobody else was because Norway is such a fucking reserved place to live ... in Australia someone would have said something funny or at least many people would be laughing , no no , not Norway , people just keep to themselves and pretend like they cant see the smelly hobo sucking on an old yogurt cup hahahahaha fuck it still makes me smile when I think about it. So all in all remember to be happy and interact with other people in society because not only will it make you feel happier it makes other people feel happy and surely thats worth something ! :)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Thursday, 13 March 2014

It really fucken amazes me what people read most on my blog....

Hey hey hey all my materialistic mates (I hope not all haha) I hope that I can think of more things to talk about that are just absolute shit.

So I always see what the most viewed posts I write are and usually they are the few ones that I talk about things like facebook, candy crush and bitstrips, they are by far the most viewed posts and it really dissapoints me because when I talk about important things like politics or saving the environment etc basically NOBODY reads the posts. The most recent example is when I posted about saving the great barrier reef and there was only 10 views of that particular post but when I posted about candy crush the other day I had 42 views .... WAT . THE . FUCK. So from what I can gather from this information is that people care more about candy crush than they do one of the natural wonders of the world and this makes me sick ... it also makes me want to stop writing my blog because it really doesnt seem to be getting to the right people... and that makes me sad :( Anyways it just makes me wonder what kind of people read my blog ... is it all 15 year old girls or what the fuck ? Anyways I hope that some people are reading who are not as materialistic as most people are nowadays and that there is hope for the future haha.

 Collect friends and experiences and stories , not fucking ipads and the newest phones or the newest shoes, LIVE YOUR LIFE DONT WASTE IT ON SHIT!!!

That is all , Peace out , Catch

Sunday, 9 March 2014

I LOVE to hate Tony Abbot ... and im not alone !!

Hey hey hey all my politically savy mates I hope your ready for some Abbot bashing because that is whats coming your way.

So Tony Abbot is the prime minister of Australia and he also manages to be one of the biggest dicks in the world (how he finds the time for both I dont know) ... but he does .... he has only been prime minister since September last year and he has already shown that all he cares about is his capitalist friends and making them more money- People such as - Clive Palmer , Gina Rineheart and many others who just care about profit and not the environment or the well being of the average Aussie. There are to many things to list in relation to all the bullshit policies that Mr Abbot has implimented but hes decided to fuck some more shit up ...

In Tasmania there are many beautiful rainforests with huge 100m+ tall trees that have been around for hundreds and thousands of years and you know what Tony Abbot says ...his Words - "there is to much forest "locked up" in Tasmania" and you know what his great plan is ... to chop it all down to help the logging industry and therefore take care of only the ecomony and not the environment ... he says that hes protecting the forestry workers of Tasmania but this is just fucking bullshit because its UNSUSTAINABLE and whats going to happen in 30 years when all the trees are gone and they have to wait hudreds of years for them to regrow. The way the world is going nowdays scares me because people ALWAYS just think about today or tomorrow or 5 years from now ... never 20 years from now and certainly not 100 years from now. Not only does he want to log these beautiful forests he actually wants the forest declassified as World Heritage Listed so he can then log them .... Anyways im happy to report that the Australian public has already had ennough of him and are quickly learning that he only cares about one thing and thats not the people, its the bank accounts of all his good mates. It makes me sick when I hear him speak , he reminds me of George W. Bush when he was president of America ... just a bumbling idiot who reads off cards and does what hes told. Spineless and totally ignorant to the voice of the people of his country, and it makes me happy to know that people are seeing through his lies and deception on so many issues. The new policy regarding "boat People" (immigrant`s\refugges arriving by boat) is just rediculous and pretty much illegal in international law, but thats another story for another time. ;) Please share the word about this stupid stupid man and hopefully we can get him out before he ruins Australia beyond repair :(

That is all ,Peace out , Catch

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Candy crush is the most useless thing EVER !!!! STOP IT !

Hey hey hey all my candy crush mates I hope your getting many crushes or watever the fuck you need in that retarded game.

The other day I was on the subway here in Oslo and of course everyone is staring at their phones but im always seeing People (sometimes old people even) playing this stupid retarded candy crush game ... IT IS STUPID! Does anyone remember tetris ? THATS WHAT IT IS JUST WITH STUPID CANDYS AND BULLSHIT !!! Nobody Plays Tetris anymore ... why is this a thing ???
I just fail to understand the reason people play it ... imagine if instead of playing it all the people were reading world news and actually LEARNING about this epdawg planet we live in. In 50 years from now kids will be asking their grandparents "grandma when was the world war 2 started and why?" and they will have no fucking idea but if you ask them to beat Level 435 on candy crush they will be able to do that no fucking worries mate ! What a sick thing and the most fucked up this is that it wont even surprise me when this happens because im pretty damn sure it will! Stop fucking playing all these mindless games on your phones and use your phones to read world news or write a long email to a loved one like ur grandma you never speak to or an old friend you havent heard from in years ... stop wasting your life playing this stupid game !!! PLEASE !! :) It is an affliction of the worst kind! YOU GAIN NOTHING FROM PLAYING THIS GAME!!! STOP IT PLEASE!!!

That is all , Peace out , Catch