Monday, 3 November 2014

Stupid people and facebook ... bad combination .

Hey hey hey all my social media addicted friends and Family (maybe?lol) . HOW THE FUCK ARE YA !? ;)

So everyone knows facebook and this also means that everyone knows that some people are just really shit at facebook , so much so that its actually disturbing . I will admit im on facebook a fair bit because to be honest I do like seeing what other people are doing with their lives seeing as though I live so far away from home (15,410klm to be exact haha) and I work With a lot of People who dont speak English. BUT there are many things that shit me about facebook and so I figured that I will share with you my disLIKES about facebook . If you dont agree then complain about it on facebook - and possibly share my blog ! That would be epdawg of ya ! ;)

People who are always changing their profile picture to one they have used many times before just in the hope to get many likes and comments etc . FUCK . OFF . YOU . DICKS. If I saw your profile pic the first time when you changed it to that one really great photo you found of yourself then I probably liked it and thats cool . Whats NOT cool is seeing that same fucking picture like 9 times AGAIN because you feel sorry for yourself and need the nice warm comforting blanket of likes on your facebook . You wanna get likes then think of something funny and witty to post or dress up in a dress like I do :P. Dont just fucken post up some stupid fucking list of the best facebook fails ever and say WOOOOAAAAHAHAHA THIS IS HILARIOUS ! Because its fucking NOT . Oh and while im at it those fucking screen shots of stupid msgs people send to to wrong person or some shit ... what the fucking fuck . If I wanted to I could think of the funniest shit ever you could accidentaly sms to my mum and just use my girlfriends phone and change her name to mum and send so called "hilariously" embaressing text msgs to MYSELF and then take a screen shot and call it hilarious . STOP IT .

Just now I saw a friend of mine has posted up some video of a jet plane taking off from a jet carrier , doing a flip in mid air and then just shooting off into the sky like some kind of magic fucking superplane . Come on mate you arent that stupid you beleive that jets can literally just do a fucking flip and then take off . Dont you think we would have heard or seen this before if it was real !? But hey most of the world beleives in god and hes fucking magic so why not magic jet planes , sure !

Oh and when people post up shit on their mates timeline which should just be sent by a personal msg-  They are just screaming for attention . Like when some girl posts to her friends timeline so everyone can read it . - "Crazy night Kaz hope you woke up ok!!  BESTIES!!!XOXO !" . The only thing I can think of is GET. FUCKED. Go back to your hovel Shanae and watch 8 more episodes of Hollywood housewives or whatever all the douchebag chicks watch nowadays.

Really I could go on for bloody ages about all the retarded things people do on facebook but I would be here forever so I will just leave it at then and remind myself that most people are actually quite stupid and annoying and leave it at that . Cheers cunts !

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Some things I will never get used to in Norway !

Hey hey hey all my interweb mates , been having a lot of views from Poland lately ! Czesch ! I think thats how ya spell it haha u guys have crazy spelling , a few of my good mates here in Norway are Polish and I visited Szezchin a few months back and it was pretty cool , not the best city for a tourist but I went there cause a mate of mine is from there . Anyways moving on .

Ok so now its coming into winter here in Norway and it got me thinking about the many things are EXTREMLELY different from life back home in Australia. here are just some.

The Darkness -
In Norway in the winter the sun will only rise at around 9:00am and it will set around 3:00 so u get only 6 hours of sunlight , if there is any sun that is . I remember one time I literally did not see one second of sun for about 2 weeks and fuck me I nearly went insane ! But the darkness also has a good side , well kind of . In the summer there is fucking shiteloads of sun ! The sun will come up around 4:30 am and wont set until around midnight, which is cool as fuck and sometimes makes it a bit hard to get to sleep haha . Feels really weird going to bed most nights around 11 and its still light as day outside.

The Cold-
Coming from Australia this is an obvious one but seriously it get FUCKING COLD !! The coldest I have felt is around  minus 25 degrees celcius and when it gets that bloody cold I like to call it angry cold because I get angry when its that cold . Minus 10 or 15 actually isnt that bad (never thought it would ever say that) and u can deal with minus 15 but when it gets minus 25 its just fucked.

The drinking culture-
Norwegians dont mind a drink and like to party almost as much as Aussies , well not almost but still they do. But the crazy thing is that in the summer they drink and party HEAPS and its a normal thing to go to the fjord or park and drink and have bbqs until midnight even on a Monday night if there is sun . Buuuut if you are walking around the city with a beer in winter or any of the colder months then people just look at you like your some kind of criminal or low life scum and it really shits me . Note in this photo the chicks in bikinis behind these people , this park would be in the middle of the city yet there are chicks in bloody bikinis everywhere haha crazy shit right there ! N.B I dont know these people haha

The sports-
The most popular sport in Norway after soccer would be cross country skiing and seriously I dont understand why ? Ok you come from a country where there is a LOT of snow and you all like to ski/snowbaord but why cross country ski !? What about the half pipe in snowboarding or the aerial skiing where they do like 6 flips and 12 spins and a grab and then land. THAT is cool !. Watching people basically run with skiis for like 30 kilometres . Its like if marathons were the most popular sport in Australia , there is basically zero skill involved , its all about stamina , and whilst I do admire their stamina and their endurance its about as exciting as watching people run on a treadmill for 2 hours . Probably now the government will find out I said these things and I will soon be deported as is the level of love these people have for this mind numbingly boring sport.

The social interaction , or lack thereof -
In Australia when Sara came to visit me we were in a lift on the way down from our apartment we were staying in and some lady hopped in and just said gday what are you guys up to today and I said this and that and asked her the same and then we got out and went our own way and Sara immediately asked me -"did you know that lady?" I said no she was just being friendly and this kind of shit happens everywhere everyday in Australia but does that happen here . NO (well not much) . A lot of my good mates back home have been made from meeting people in the apartment buildings where I lived but that is most probably not going to happen here . Its not that people are not friendly they just like to keep to themselves , if you say hello to them they will say hello back and be friendly but thats about it. Oh and whilst we are talking about social interaction I may aswel talk about the whole mobile addiction thing . People in Norway seem to think that their phones actually give them life and that if they dont look at their phone for 10 minutes they might die . Often I see couples out on a date or even a group of friends and they are ALL sitting there staring at their stupid fucking phones and not actually talking to each other .

The whole not going outside for 6 months -
This is probably the biggest thing that gets to me because back home I was always doing things outside - playing Soccer/cricket/football , bushwalks , bodyboarding , camping and many other things but because I cant ski or snowboard because I have a knee that needs reconstruction there is really not much to do in the winter but sit inside and watch movies and play boardgames and "make cosy" as Sara likes to call it haha. The good thing is that now I have a few good mates so we can get together and have a couple of beers and play some poker or something like that :)

The amount of hot chicks -
It is REDICULOUS how good looking the women are in Scandanavia (Lucky I got me one) , I even wrote a previous blog post dedicated to just that. I say that in Norway even the ugly chicks are hot haha . A mate of mine says that the chicks are so hot you wanna marry the chick serving you at McDonalds. I dont know what they have in the water up here but whatever it is is bloody working! This is a Picture of what basically ALL the chicks look like in Norway/Sweden , ;)

Ok methinks that is enough now because nobody wants to read a bloody book , this is a blog not a diary haha. I hope I didnt offend any Scandos with my thoughts but really you gotta admit cross country ski is boring as fuck haha :P

That is all , Peace out, Catch ;)

Monday, 27 October 2014

The fine art of farting .

Hey hey hey all my farting and flatuating mates I hope your farts are plentiful and innapropriate like mine haha :P

Farting is funny , I dont give a shit what other people say it is funny . As Louis CK says - "farting is fucking hilarious , your ass makes a toot sound and something comes out which smells like shit , you tell me how that isnt funny" hahahaha he got it in one.

So "apparently" farting is not supposed to happen at the dinner table my wife says but I say its almost best to fart at the dinner table (if there are no guests) its the innapropriatness of it which makes it even more funny hahaha . ( Sarez is gunna hate me for this haha)

Ever been at an important dinner with someone who you have to be really nice to and impress , like your parents in law or possibly even a work dinner or something and you know you have to do a huge fart and there is nothing you can do about it.  Then you just decide to try and slide it out silently and after you succsesfully slide out the old silent fart you then realise that now it smells like shit from the area in which you are sitting so somehow you think its a great idea to try and breath really deeply in the hope that you can breathe all your fart in and nobody else will smell it , these people will never know how important you really think they are for you to be sitting there making silent farts and sniffing them up your own nose for their benifit ! One day at the end of a nice dinner or something I just want to say to someone - "I will have you know I have sniffed up 4 farts this evening because I am in your prescence and I dont think you really appreciate what I have done for you!"

The other day I was on the busy subway and I needed to let one rip so I initiated the silent fart routine ( you all know what that is so dont think im weird and fucked up - even the chicks , possibly especially the chicks ) Anyways I let one rip and it was pretty bad and I just sat there and basked in the disgusted glory of my fellow passengers because these days with everyone being so anti-social and all I can fart (silently of course) without the threat of a fellow passenger making such a comment as "Fuck me did someone just shit themselves!?" Most probably people will look around and then see me and just assume sterotypically that it was the big bearded man and they are true in thinking that but they will never say  MUHAHAHAHAHA :P

Anyways just a few thoughts on farting as everybody farts and we should learn to embrace it and not turn our back on it like its some kind of pariah or such . Keep farting I say mates . May the fart be with you and those around you ! :)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Cant think of anything to blog so heres some of my favorite pictures from me FB ;) :D

Yo yo yo whats going down all my bitches and niggas ( probly shouldnt say niggas but hey if people complain I will just put that down to good publicity , they do say any puiblicity is good publicity ) Aaaaaaanyways just having a good old scroll through all my old facebook photos and figured I can fill up a post with putting my favorite pictures in here haha . Lazy but effective is how I would describe this post . Anyways here we go ;)

First picture is just of me and Sara ( my better half ) without Sarez (as she hates to be called MUHAHAHA) I wouldnt be the person I am today . She is the love of my life and all that other crap . Shes hot and shes Swedish to which of course is a bonus ;)

The second picture is of me and Sarez holding some snakes in Morocco infront of a cobra - which I was fucking shitting myself of because the cobra was only about 2 metres away haha.

This third picture is of me next to a log cabin in Saras home town of Karlskrona (Sweden) I figured since my blog is called Aussie in Oslo I should show some winter pictures considering its basically winter here for fucking 6 months of the year !!

The fourth picture is of me standing next to a moose on some "moose safari" that Sarez and I did in Sweden . It was basically a huge pen where there were moose and you just walked around it ...kinda boring but kinda cool in a way because I had never seen a live moose ... they are actually pretty fucking big haha. Funny as I told Sarez that when she came to Australia we went diving with great white sharks that were 5 meters long (in a cage of course) and when I come to Sweden we go on a bloody moose safari haha :P

This fifth picture if of my family ... well some of them anyways as I have a fucken big family haha. On the left is my sister Zadeena , then of course me , then my dad Keith dressed as Shrek and my stepmum Kim as Shreks wife (or whatever) and then my sister Teags . Family is awesome and I miss mine heaps cause I have the best family in the history of everything haha ;)

The sixth picture is of me and a mate fishing on the Pottsville river . Pottsville is about 2.5 hours drive from Brisbane and me and my mates used to go their camping at least every month ... it is my favorite place in the world ... there isnt even a close second . So many good memories ... and not a phone in sight haha ;)

The seventh picture is of me doing a "FULLY SICK BURNOUT BRO!" in my old ute in the middle of the Aussie outback when Sarez and I were on a massive roadtrip . Man I miss the hugeness of Australia haha ... Did you know you can fit 17 Swedens in Australia .. true fact yo ;)

The eight picture is of a koala Sarez and me came across on the side of the road in Australia when we were on our road trip , Sarez even got to pat it a little bit which was freaken super rare , I have seen many koalas in my time but they are always up in the trees so she was bloody lucky to get this opportunity on her first trip to Australia .

The Ninth Picture is of me standing in a field of rapeseed in Sweden ... I kinda look like a rapist in this photo so its kinda fitting haha :P

The tenth and last picture is of a small fish Sarez caught- (on her first bloody cast! Look how amazed she looks haha) at Pottsville , my two favorite things in the world all in one . Sarez and Pottsville ... if only I could convince Sarez to move to Pottsville ¨with me then my life would be Complete ! :D Sorry this post was a bit lazy but hey all I can think about right now seems to be how stupid people are so I figured I needed to seprate my rants with some normality. Keep it real gangsters !

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Fucking think for yourselves you stupid SHEEPLE !!!

Yo yo yo all my iphone addicted , instagram using , facebook trolling , blogger Reading :D , socially inept friends and random lost people who found my blog , I hope you are all fucken fan bloody tastic !!!

I have liked this page on FB called "New To Oslo" , which should really be renamed "biggest group of fucktards in Northern Europe". People come on there and ask the most fucked up questions ... the one that just set me off onto this rant (more to follow) is this person asking - "where can I print a picture , and how much will it cost?" ... Jesus fucking christ thats a fuckin huge problem you have there my narrow minded friend , my first idea would be to use this new fandangled thing we have called GOOGLE , its on this other new thing called THE INTERNET , if you simply use your stupid brain and type in computer cafe or seriously even if you type in print photos Oslo , IT WILL FUCKEN TELL YOU WHERE TO GO !!
People these days are becoming dumber and dumber by the day and its actually really sad and more to the point actually depressing. Some people just cant seem to think from themselves and the problem is that we live in a world that facilitates there stupidity and lets them thrive ( to some sort in their own fucked up social circles that is).
It really saddens me to think that the world is becoming so dependent on Technology and that it seems it will never end until we are all virtual robots stuck in a world where we dont talk to anyone in "the real world" but only really communicate through stupid fucking phones and computers.

 ( I realise the hypocracy of complaining about technology in a blog which is using the same technology but this is the only way to get it out there since thats where all these zombies are scrolling through there phones until their fingertips bleed in the hope that they wont have to look anyone in the eye on the bus to work)

 In Norway I can see this happening FAST as the use of technology seems to have no limits here and is encouraged to no end . I know for a fact that its not as bad in Australia as it is herein Norway ( my sister for example visited and she said its worse here than back home) and I hope it stays like that , Australians are well known for their friendliness and eagerness to talk to anyone and everyone about anything haha. I know I seem to go on about these kind of things a lot but fuck me its getting out of Control!!! Not to long ago I saw a couple out for sunday lunch and one was on their ipad playing some stupid farmer game and the other was playing the same game on their phone and they were just helping each other and talking about the game ... why not talk about REAL THINGS !!! Like all the wars that are going on , all the destruction of our planet and the awesome animals that inhabit it, it  seems this needless and senseless destruction will not stop until all we are left with is stuffed animals and vidoes of what animals and nature used to be like ... ask them questions about what their goals in life are , smile and laugh and be laughed at , its  gunna sound stupid but I take great pride in being laughed at , I have a big beard and a really fucked up dress sense and a weird sense of humour and I know for a fact that people think thats funny , either it be in a good or bad way. The point is that people laugh and the world needs to laugh much more and take life less seriously.

 My point is dont fall in with the crowd and just follow the normal, break the barriers and be a fucking weirdo bcause if you dont soon enough we will all live in a world where everyone acts the same , looks the same , has the same phones/cars/Apartments/pets etc . Be different or GET FUCKED  is what I say !!!! Here is a photo (below) I recently added to FB just for a laugh , I know a lot of people judged me for it and probably think im weird or possible even a cross dresser, the truth is I wasnt drunk and it wasnt a dare or anything I just did it to bring a smile to peoples faces and pretty much say fuck the norm. Anyways hope you guys can take this to heart and at least change your ways a little because you dont want to become a sheep and just follow the herd because the herd is being led to a very very very boring and mundane existance ! Keep it real gangsters ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 6 October 2014


Yo yo yo all my AMAZING followers I hope that you have been SUPER AMAZED by some rediculously shit internet video recently , you most probably would have when you consider that there is about 43,987,987 videos of the dumbest shit ever that people have decided is AMAZING !!!

I will tell you whats amazing is the fact that people are so quick to overexaggerate anything just to make it seem better/funnier , how many times have you seen on your FB feed someone liked a video which its title reads "Funniest video ever!!!" No its not the funniest video ever , it may be funny but no need to go on about it like "OMG OMG OMG MUST WATCH" . No I musnt watch it and InFact just because your over excited ass talked it up so much im going to boycott it in spite of your eagerness to over exaggerate (take that exaggerating dicks !) . Why cant someone just post up a video and say "Moderately funny video , not the best , not amazing just pretty cool" THAT I would watch ! Personally for me there is nothing better than watching and old person fall over doing something they should definitely not be doing - eg riding a skateboard or chasing their grandchildren around the backyard , of course its not so cool if people actually get seriously injured.

I just found a "FUCKING HILARIOUS" video of old people falling over , most of them are doing things they def should not be doing hahahahaha pretty funny shit yo ;) I love the way old people fall over sometimes .... they take a few bad steps and you know they are going to fall they know they are going to fall yet they still never seem to brace themselves very well ... In fact you could almost say they lead WITH their hips haha - no wonder so many of them break their bloody hips hahahaha . Anyways check out this video and please dont go on and on about how every single fucking video is hilarious because an elephant sneezing on a kid is funny . One thing its not is FUCKING HILARIOUS !!

While im going on about facebook I would like to vent some other greivances I have with the multitude of dicks I seem to have on FB . If you have started a new diet well thats fucking great , whats not great is seeing all your fucking meals with bullshit hashtags like #paleodiet #Health #lifestylechange #headupmyass . Its great that you are trying to get fit and healty etc but fuck me keep it to yourselves and dont post up your yictures of your shitty healthy food either , it doesnt even look good , it looks like a piece of dogshit next to some vegetables. The last thing is people posting up picks of their 6 packs and their massive guns (muscles) ... good for you that you spend nearly all your free time at the gym with your head halfway up your ass looking in the mirror telling yourself how good you look - send those pics to your mum or your fucking girlfriend because im not impressed and im sure im not the only one . Anyways that is all for the moment haha :P

I have no fucking idea who finds this shit attractive anyways (being a bodybuilder)... most people I think who look like this just have low self esteem and no real personality so they just focus their shitty boring lives on getting fit and huge , kinda like how a lot of insecure people base their lives around religion because they are to scared to face the real world and think about real world problems and not the ressurection of some make beleive god. Look how disgusting this guy looks !

That is all, Peace out , Catch ;)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Hey hey hey all my gadget obsessed materialistic internet addicted mates how the bloody hell are ya ? This afternoon I arrived at my bus stop and everyone was staring at their stupid phone , I got on the bus and everyone was again staring at their stupid Phones , I went to the supermarket and people were getting in my road because they were stopping to look at their stupid fucking Phones . It made me think about how fucking SHIT and SAD our existance as human beings has now become .

Yes I admit I glance at my phone from time to time (mainly to change song) but nowadays im in the minoroty as people are more and more inclined to introvert into themselves and stare at their stupid Phones , I remember the good old days ( about 10-15 years ago...fuck im getting old haha) but in those days we had no bloody phones and if you wanted to call someone you had to ring their home phone and risk the chance that you would have to speak to their parents for a minute or two (god forbid) I didnt like it at the time but now looking back it was great , I can definitely say that this helped me have a closer relationship with my mates parents and in turn also my friends .

Are YOU going to argue with Albert Einstein !!!??? His prediction is fast becoming reality !!!

Why the fucking fuckshit do we have to work for 5 days a week !!! It depresses and sickens me that in this capatalistic world we now live in that we are basically forced to work 5 days out of 7 nearly every fucking week ... life was not meant to be like this . We were supposed to be exploring this wonderful earth we have and making great connections and friendships with people and places all around the world ... I try as hard as I can to make nearly every single day I have off from work worth it , get out their and travel and meet people and dont just sit inside and watch another episode of some stupid program on netflix or something , read a book - I am reading an amazing series of historical fiction books (by Author Bernard Cornwell) that is related to the wars between the English and the Danish warriors of around the year 878 , it opens your mind and fills it with joy and imagination of how it would have been to live in that time.

I dont want to bang on and preach to much cause who the fuck wants to hear it, but fuck me sometimes I actually get really sad and angry at the way the world is headed , remember we only get one life and do you want to be on your death bed regretting that you spent so much of your time on stupid things that really dont matter ( Phones , internet , T.V , Movies etc ) and not enough time learning and loving the people you have around you and making new friends . Anyways I could go on all day about this but I wont.

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 1 September 2014

Giddy up Greece ! OOOOOOOOPAAAA !

Hey hey hey all my international mates ( all 4 of you haha ). So seeing as though I didnt get to finish my post about Greece last week I will finish it now yo ;) . There was just waaaaay to much cool shit to fit into one post !

So after we left the island of Santorini we got a ferry to another of the Cyclades islands called Naxos , where we stayed for 8 nights and fuck me it was freaken awesome ! So good to actually have so long in one place , and because the island is quite big with a shitload of small towns and beaches we never got bored ! I mean how can u ever get bored of the best food in the world which is also damn cheap and so are the beers and everyday there is sun ... you can NEVER get sick of that hey ! ;)

I suppose I will start by telling you about our quadbike adventure ... holy fucking poobum it was one of the best things I have ever done !! These first couple of pics are of our day on the quad bike . We ended up going on this dirt track road right along the edge of the sea (bloody steep in some Places!!) and finding all these secluded and bloody beautiful beaches ... like fuck off awesome beaches ... so awesome I proposed to Sara at one of them ;) The last photo is of the beach where I proposed to Sara ... even got down on my bad knee and all hahaha :P See how freaken epdawg the quad bike looks !!! It was a bloody weapon! I managed to get it up for 96 Klm/h on the highway at one stage ... much to Saras screaming dislike haha :P But some of the hills we had to get up I was even shitting myself a bit. So bloody cool !

Next couple of photos is of us having lunch on Plakka beach ... man its nice .... but you know what shits me is the fact that in all the places they have sunbeds they ALL have wifi , so this means that many people just sit at these beautiful beaches looking at their fucking stupid ass phones !!! Not everyone though there were still a lot of people reading books like Sara and I. Of course I have to show another photo of the food we ate ! This photo of our lunch is tzatziki , saganaki cheese and the obligatory Greek salad ;) Tastes as good as it looks , and the backdrop aint half bad either ;) Fucken OATH ! Get it up ya !

Next up I will just show you a lot of random cool pictures of buildings / Churches etc we came across . The arcitecture is nothing like I have seen before (nearly no straight lines and so much curves) and its so freaken awesome , all the white and blue go so good with the landscape and the feel of the country ! Loving it !

Last of all is just some beautiful beaches we went to when we went on a boat tour to the small islands of Koufonisi and some other one I cant remember now haha :P Fucken looks like paradise because it is yo !

So all in all Greece is definitely one of the best places I have ever been and cant recommend it more highly ! The people are all super friendly and welcoming and also speak pretty good English which is a great bonus , but for me it was the food haha , sounds boring I know but man ... its just so freaken good ... of course the beaches and all that are also so very nice ...and this is only 4 islands of Greece!!! Definitely recommend Greece to anyone and everyone ! Also its VERY children friendly so if you are a family I would recommen to head to Naxos island and stay away from Ios and Santorini , Naxos is almost made for a perfect family vacation ! ;) Or even a wedding proposal as it was in our case haha . Naxos will always carry a special part in mine and Saras hearts and im sure we will return many times , hopefully in not to long we can go as a family with kids ! ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Hey hey hey all my peeps , my internet gansters, how the fuck are ya ? So yeah havent blogged in bloody ages ay ;) Been a bit lazy to be honest and im sorry about that , when your a moderately lazy person its easy to get into a cycle of lazyness , but in being only moderately lazy this means im BACK ! Hope you guys have all had a good summer ( for those of you in Europe that is ) For those of you back home in Australia I hope you had a good winter ( otherwise known as the time its gets so Cold you MAY have to put some jeans on to go with your singlet haha ).

So Sara and I went to Greece recently for 2 weeks and thats the most interesting thing I can think of to talk about that has happened in recent history so I figured I will start there. We flew by aeromobile (otherwise known as an airplane) to an island called Santorini which is a part of the Cyclades island chain in the sea south of mainland Greece and fuck me it didnt dissapoint!! . Take a look at this picture of some olives and a Greek  beer I was gorging on our balcony , this was literally my diet for the first 3 days , beer , olives and bread , I even discovered if you get really really really good and fresh olives to go with some super fresh and tasy bread then you can just make olive sandwiches and survive on them , so fucking good !

On the first day I also managed to finally go parasailing after missing out many times before , it was ok , but kinda shit to be honest haha , after having done skydiving, shark diving , bungee jumping and cliff jumping this seemed kinda tame haha . You go pretty high in the air , they dunk you in the water , your balls get squashed up into your insides and the guys who we were doing it was about as enthused as I was. But still bloody glad a did it just to say that i did :) Here is a picture of me enjoying the thrill ride :P

This island called Santorini is basially only a thousand years old or something like that and its just a huge ass volcano and its really magnificant and picturesque and all that crap so we hired a quad bike and rode around the island to check it out . We came across a really weird beach where it seriousy looked like you were on Mars , it felt like you were on Mars to as it was about 40 degrees and there was no wind , Sara and I walked down to the water and swam for like 5 minutes and then got out and promptly left to get ourselves an ice cream to cool off , wow that sounds like something an old person would tell other people , we went to get an ice cream to cool off , well im leaving it like that anyways and hey fuck you it was hot and that ice cream was fuckin epically awesome ! ;) Here is a picture of the Mars Beach !

Ok next I will talk about the food , HOLY FUCKING JESUS THE FOOD ! It was probly my favorite thing about Greece , and whilst that may sound kinda boring it really is not because Greek food is easily my favorite type of food and I ate shitloads of it growing up in West End in Brisbane because there is a huge Greek community in West End . Have you ever heard of a cheese called Saganaki cheese ? Neither had I until I discovered my second true love ( Sara of course being the first... Hey I gotta say that shit cause she reads this haha) Saganaki cheese is a fried cheese which is a mixture between haloumi and feta cheese and fuck me its DAS BOMB! Its almost fully responsible for me putting on the 5 kgs I put on while we were away , one day I managed to eat it 3 times ! It is THAT good ! This is a pic of some saganaki cheese, some nice fresh bread , some tzatsiki of course and some olive paste , it was bloody delicious ! The saganaki is the plate with the tomatoes on it ;)

So one of the last Things Sara and I did on Santorini was head to a small town called Oia and have a really nice ( and apparently really romantic ) Dinner on a rooftop restuarant whilst watching one of the best sunsets I have ever seen , I took a really cool picture of a helicopter flying over the sunset which I think is pretty damn cool , if you look closely you can make out a small island in the background also , I reckon I should ring up national geographic and ask them if they want to use my picture haha :P

This last Picture is just of the typical Greek houses/churches and buildings you find all over Greece but they look even more spectacular when they are all so close together built on the side of a massive volcano!.

Ok seeing as though writing this blog has taken me and hour now I have decided to tell you about the rest of our Greece trip in my next blog post , which hopefully will be tomorrow and not a few months like this blog was in the making haha . Cheers cunts !

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

You should definitely watch this video ... it will change the way you think !!

Yo yo yo all my social media whores how the fuck are ya ?

In my last post ( and many others ) I talked about the fact that I dont like phones and how much kids nowdays use (are addicted) to them. My mum posted this video to my FB page the other day and I watched it and to be brutally honest it actually made my cry ... I dont care if everybody knows I cried ... I dont give a fuck haha . Anyways I was just sad to think about how the world is nowadays and how different my childhood was from childrens nowadays and also thinking about my kids and what world they will be born into , because right now its not looking so good ... to much focus on materialistic things and not enough focus on HUMAN BEINGS . We all sit and stare at screens all day but hardly interact with each other ... that is what im always trying to tell everyone and anyone who will listen. This video sums up how I feel EXACTLY !!! Its only 5 minutes and seriously it will do you a lot of good ... stop staring at your phone and LIVE !!! ;)

Reminds me of a cool photo I saw on FB the other day ;)

Now im not saying NEVER look at your phone ... just look at it less ... and please please please dont look at it when you are around your mates etc ... its all good to check but dont fucking go scrolling through FB or instagram when im sitting in fucking front of you!!!.
That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

Monday, 5 May 2014

Holy shit havent blogged in nearly a month ....sorry mates !

Yo yo yo, how the hell is all my intraweb mates !? . Sorry I havent blogged in a while I have been quite busy being a bit lazy.  I love having a blog but sometimes writing a blog is a bit annoying ... its like that assignment that u keep putting off until the last minute, except with a blog there is no time limit so sometimes it goes for nearly a month haha . Anyways to be honest I have not had that much to blog about lately unless you want me to continue telling you how much I hate Tony Abbot ... but I reckon I have done that enough .

So over easter Sara and I went to visit her parents in Karlskrona in Sweden and it was pretty damn good :) Her parents really are starting to turn into real In-Laws and its kinda awesome because even though I dont see my parents often (at all really) they are becoming my adopted parents and bloody great ones at that ... her dad doesnt mind a beer or two and a snifter of whisky and her mum is one of the nicest and happiest people you will ever meet and both are easy to get along with and also speak very good English which I was kinda surprised by but its a bloody good surprise ;) Anyways heres a couple of pics from our time there. -The weather was so freaken awesome ! :D

All these pictures are from around Saras home town of Karlskrona which is a relatively small town of 50,000 people in the very South East of Sweden :) really nice place ...when the weather is good ;)

Other than easter not to much has happened really ... thats kinda why I havent blogged haha , aaaaanyways no doubt I will think of something else to blog about soon, I wanna blog all the time about many things like how much stupid shit Tony Abbot is doing and how teenagers should have electric shocks fitted to their  iPhones if they use them to much and how social media\internet is absolutely destroying the world ... problem is I have already blogged about ALL that stuff haha .... maybe I will just blog about it again but say it a little differently and pretend its new and exciting .....aaaaaanyways until then I will say goodbye . Goodbye .
That is all , Peace out , Catch
BUT WAIT THERES STILL MORE !!!! - This is a BONUS link and its of a mate (kinda) of mine from back home in Brisvegas, anyways he is talented as fuck and makes this whole song with only his voice as he does with all his music ... hes called Tom Thum and hes fucken epic! Check it !