Thursday 13 March 2014

It really fucken amazes me what people read most on my blog....

Hey hey hey all my materialistic mates (I hope not all haha) I hope that I can think of more things to talk about that are just absolute shit.

So I always see what the most viewed posts I write are and usually they are the few ones that I talk about things like facebook, candy crush and bitstrips, they are by far the most viewed posts and it really dissapoints me because when I talk about important things like politics or saving the environment etc basically NOBODY reads the posts. The most recent example is when I posted about saving the great barrier reef and there was only 10 views of that particular post but when I posted about candy crush the other day I had 42 views .... WAT . THE . FUCK. So from what I can gather from this information is that people care more about candy crush than they do one of the natural wonders of the world and this makes me sick ... it also makes me want to stop writing my blog because it really doesnt seem to be getting to the right people... and that makes me sad :( Anyways it just makes me wonder what kind of people read my blog ... is it all 15 year old girls or what the fuck ? Anyways I hope that some people are reading who are not as materialistic as most people are nowadays and that there is hope for the future haha.

 Collect friends and experiences and stories , not fucking ipads and the newest phones or the newest shoes, LIVE YOUR LIFE DONT WASTE IT ON SHIT!!!

That is all , Peace out , Catch

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