Monday 12 August 2013

Reality T.V has officially become out of control !!

Hey hey hey all my reality T.V watching mates I hope your all enjoying your shows about the most stupid and retarded people on this planet !

So yeah last night I changed chanels and there was a show called "Zombie Apocalypse" and it was about all these crazy people who beleive there is going to be a zombie apocalypse so they spend basically all of their lives preparing for it .... jesus .... fucking ....christ .... this is so fucking unbeleivable but you know what the worst part is ....that people watch this show full of stupid American white trash who are literally INSANE and shouldnt even be considered normal human beings ...because they are NOT ! The crazy thing was the next chanel I changed to was called "Doomsday Preppers" and its about all these other crazy people in America who think the world is going to end in some way sometime soon and that they need to prepare for the impending apocalypse ...wether that might be a zombie apocalypse or a meteor or a massive tsunami, or maybe it will be a massive meteor OF zombies which will in turn create a huge tsunami of zombies that will destroy the world .....seriously people ....wat the fuck . These people are insane and have absolutely no place on our T.V ....these people should be put in mental institutions except in our insane society they are not only treated as normal but they are celebrated as such . I saw on an add for this doomsday preppers show that one guy boasts that he has 10,000 rolls of toilet paper .....if there is an apocalypse who the fuck cares about wiping your god damn ass you freak ....there was another guy who said he had something like 4,000 rounds of amunition and 4 years worth of food ....I know which place I would rather be at if a zombie apocalypse did happen to be ....whats the guy with the 10,000 rolls of toilet paper gunna do when the zombies come ???? Well we do know one thing and thats whatever toilet paper man will be doing he will be doing it with a clean ass and thats what really matters in an apocalypse !! Then theres the shows with these hugely overweight American trailer trash going around buying storage sheds and luggage and shit like that and its all just fucking bullshit ....Ive watched a few and they just straight out lie guy was saying he could get $50 for a second hand electric drill that wasnt even top of the line you can buy a new one at bunnings for $39 ....

Just look at these freaks ... We should be preparing for an Apocalypse of feral idiots becoming the majority because you know peope like these reproduce like rabits ...when they really should be castrated ...

The point is that its just becoming rediculous the whole reality T.V thing ... why the hell are millions of people watching the biggest looser ??? FUCKING WHY !!!??? Its just a bunch of hugely grossly obese people who have let their lives spiral so out of control that they eat 23 cheesburgers for breakfast and 4 litres of coke and think that thats normal and then when they get to be 300 kilograms only THEN do they think ...hang on ....this might be a problem ....ah il just go on the biggest looser and loose 200 kilograms and it will all be fine .....well it wont be and it shouldnt be ... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET TO 300 KILOGRAMS !!! 'Can anybody answer me this question ? Dont you think that when you pass 200 kilograms you might think ....shit man ....your fucking huge cant keep doing this because its unhealthy and not normal in any way shape or form . I have ZERO sympathy for ALL of the people on this rediculous show and think that it normalises morbidly obese people and in turn creates a negative impact on all other people who also might be obese or becoming really big because they see these mostorous people come on this show and when they leave they have all lost about %50 of their body weight and look great ....for people to think that this behaviour is normal and is not a problem ....this is a big problem .

Anyways to be honest I could rave on about reality T.V until the cows came home ....even if somebody ATE all the cows ....but I think this is enough ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

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