Friday 24 January 2014

A few more things about facebook ;) :)

Hey hey hey all my social media loving mates I hope you dont participate in any of the following things im going to complain about in relation to people use (mostly overuse) of facebook. I do not mean to offend anyone, just saying it how it is yo ;)

Ok so heres the deal , im on FB a lot , right now its mainly because I aint got no job and it is a great way to see what all my mates are doing back home in Australia and there is always something resonably entertaining or somewhat (I use that term loosely) educational. Anyways these are things that people do that just shit me. :P

Post up 15 times per day, I have a mate who is on holidays in a tropical paradise and they have been posting up photos on FB about 4-5 times per day ... seriously if you are on holidays and you are on facebook more than once or twice a day YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! I understand that you want to share you holidays with everyone but fuck me to update photos 4-5 times (sometimes more) a day is just out of control. Enjoy your  holiday and stop going on facebook all the time! Ok I see what you had for breakfast, ok I saw that you went on a boat (both start and finish pictures of course) I see that now you are relaxing on a hamock on the beach , which is awesome , but fucking enjoy it and stop looking at your god damn phone !

This is NOT how you enjoy your holiday ! Go swimming, read a book, play beach volleyball, go snorkeling- MEET PEOPLE!

All these pages that are trying to scare you of EVERYTHING ! Ok whilst I admit I do beleive in a lot more open things than most people but there are just some fucked up pages that will try to convince you to beleive anything. This one page called "This page will blow your mind" is the worst ... in the past it has tried to convince me that.

-The governments put flouride in your water as some type of mind control.
-You shouldnt drink commercial milk because it contains puss cells, faeces, acidic proteins from leeches and calcium from bones.
-If you lable two bottles filled with cooked rice - one with "I hate you" and the other with "I love you" the one with the hate turns all mouldy and disgusting and the one with love stays nice and white and clean .... fuck off you stupid cunts, if that was true ...well I cant even beging to explain the billion reasons why its not, fucking crazy People.
-That smoking canabis CURES cancer .... come on you idiots , whilst I admit cannabis does have some MENTAL healing powers basically if you smoke ANYTHING its gunna be bad for you. Stop lying !
-And many other countless INSANE beleifs , whilst they do have some good posts a lot are just insane ones such as the ones listed above haha

Another thing thats stupid is when people post up shit like "why is life so hard" and then expect people to feel sorry for them and ask "oh poor you whats wrong how can I help" fuck that you just want attention if you tell me whats bothering you straight up then I might want to help or something but if you are just "vaguebooking" as they call it then expect no response from me...

SELFIES !!! Seriously its out of control ! Some people post up like 2 or 3 selfies per day , someone I saw posted up a picture of their face and just said "dinner with grandma" well WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FOOD OR YOUR GRANDMA!!!??? The caption should of read, " Really up Close Picture of my face at my grandmas" There was NO FOOD there was NO GRANDMA just this persons face for the 3rd time that same day ....STOP. IT!

Anyways thats enough ranting for this post haha , there are many good things about facebook but there are also many things that shit me. Anyways do what you want on your facebook just know that I will probly block bour posts if you are doing any of the stupid shit mentioned above... I have only around 250 FB "friends" and I think I must have blocked the posts of about 40 haha, doesnt mean I dont like them , just means the shit they do on FB annoys the fucking shit out of me ;)

That is all , Peace out , Catch ;)

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