Tuesday 18 June 2013

THE WORLD IS FUCKED !!! ....unfortunately :(

Hey hey hey all my fucked up friends how the hell are ya ...ok so your not fucked up but the world we live in is fucked up unfortunately :( But I still hope you are all great !! :)

This is just going to be a general rant about all the fucked up things that im thinking about the world in this present point in time . It all stems from the fact that my good mate Andre who is from Brazil sent me a link on facebook saying i should share the link as the Brazillian people are making a stand against their corrupt government in the lead up to the soccer world cup in Brazil in 2014 . I watched the video and it states that the politicians are actually paying themselves as extra 3 months pay per year !! This means that come December at the end of the year they are getting paid for an extra 3 months which dont actually exsist ....this is just one of many things that is just wrong with the Brazillian government and untold amounts of other governments around the world no doubt . The thing that made me think and also made me very angry is the fact that whilst yes this is a big problem for the people of Brazil and they should stand up to their corrupt and incapable government , the thing that gets me is that there are so many other bigger problems with so many other countries in the world at the moment , with the biggest and most pressing concern being that of Syria . I know i have spoken at length about Syria but the fact is FUCKING NOTHING IS HAPPENING AND PEOPLE ARE STILL DYING EVERYDAY !!!! The western alliance of countries are just deliberating as to whether they should help the "rebels" by supplying them with weapons ....the fact is they already supply them with non lethal aid such as trucks, first aid supplies, food and many other essential items ....but they dont supply them with weapons ...and for good reason because who knows whos hands they will end up in after the war . The problem I have is that pretty much everyone knows WHERE Bashar Al Assad is at any given time so why dont they just tactically bomb the fuck out of his strongholds with American or British or French or any god damn countries rockets ....he is a MURDERER and he is still killing and maiming thousands of innocent men, women and children and the most unbeleivable thing is it still continiues with no sign of stopping . This is all i will say about Syria as i have already expressed my opinions in another one of my posts but i just feel so strongly about it that i think it needs to be talked about more , the more people learn and understand of the atrocities that are happening the better chance that they will be stopped one way or another .

You know it actually embaressing for me to think that i live in such a world where so many things can go wrong with it . There are to many things to list and i could go on for literally days about all of them but another one that i must bring up is America, I dont like America ( not the people but the politicians and the people in charge) My point is that even at the risk of sounding like an insane conspiracy theorist I agree with the millions of people who beleive that the September 9/11 attacks that happened in America where done BY AMERICA!! How can i beleive that you may ask ? Because I dont always accept the what people tell me and I like to seek the truth and I have watched countless documentaries about this very topic , the 2 twin towers were demolished in a controlled demolition ...seriously how the FUCK is a building going to collapse onto itself when there is a fire midway up the structure!!! Think of this as an example, if you saw a tree that was on fire halfway up and was only on fire halfway up its trunk then if it was to fall over you would only assume that the tree will break apart in the middle section and fall off to one side and not collapse onto itself in a way that would not be physically possible , think about it people ....why did the buildings collapse DIRECTLY onto themselves and not fall one way or another and hit other buildings ??? Anyways I could rant on and on about this one topic for about a week because I feel so strongly about this subject and the undeniable truths that so many people choose to ignore through ignorance. I will post up a link here to a documentary about 9/11 and how it was all a big lie , please watch it and then decided for yourself  :) . I dont know the full reasons of why America would do this to themselves and claim so many innocent lives but I can guess and it was just a feeble reason to declare war on the middle east and as such to suppress an uprising in the Islam world which threatened the whole western world in the eyes of America ...im sure the politicians/military advisors that allowed this whole thing to transpire would just think of the thousands of people who died on that day as "collateral damage" . Here is the link where you can check out a very good documentary about 9/11 and see for yourself and make your own opinions :) please watch it even though sometimes its a bit boring it is VERY important in the context of how the world is now and how the world will be in the future :)


This is a picture of the hole in the Pentagon with an image of the exact plane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon superimposed over it ......IT JUST DOENST FUCKING FIT DOES IT !!! Thats obviously a hole not made by a plane !!!!!

Now remember these people are all professionals and are NOT stupid and are providing you with the FACTS about what happened on that fatefull day ... i have watched countless documentaries with highly succsessfull profesionals such as , Professors , Doctors , Engineers , Architects , Politicians and so on and so on ... please people just watch a few of these "conspiracy theory" documentaries and i hope you will also seek the truth such as I have and they have done also :)

That is all , Peace out , Catch

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