Wednesday 24 April 2013

Girls get all the good shit!!! ( a lot anyways )

Hey hey hey people hope you are all well :)

Ok so yes im playing with fire here but hey im an expert of playing with fire ;), im good at pretending I am anways haha .

So there are many things that girls get that guys dont get and this blog all stems from when I was at home the other day an I felt like a drink but I didnt have any coke to mix with my whisky , so I decided to just cut up and orange and squeeze it into the whisky and there was some lime and lemon about so I put that in an then added some sugar because I thought it would make it better ...only then did I realise I had actully just made myself a cocktail and that if my mates saw me doing this they would call me a fag and a girl . Why does a drink that has some kind of spirit and juice and some sugar suddenly become a cocktail and EXREMELY un-manly ... im making a stand and saying that ...well ok maybe I wont...but if other people will I will join in :P

Another thing that girls get that guys don't get is pregnancy I know this won't go down very well with most girls but here me out ;) . So yes there's the fact that you have basically push something the size of a football out your ass ( anology for guys ) but hey it's only really one day of pain and the benefits of being pregnant are endless ...first of all you get to have about a year off work and if you ask guys if they could go through maxiumum 24 hours excruciating pain for 1 year off work I would say %99 would say fuck yeah where do I sign up. Then there's this whole thing where they say that they have these cravings for random things at random times because of the "hormones" and other things relating to pregnancy that NO men can confirm because of course we cant get pregnant ...unless we are Arnold Schwarzenegger then its possible but only with the help of Danny Di Vito. Back to the point because no men get pregnant my theory is that girls just make up this whole "hormones" thing and demand anything they want at the snap of a finger and they can even yell it at you if they want because of the "hormones" and because they are carrying our child , I reckon hormones are like Santa Claus ... and im sure a lot of people would agree ;)

If Arnie can do it then it can't be that hard ;)

The last thing I want to talk about is moisturising cream ...I am not getting any younger and after a big night out the other day I examined myself in the mirror and decided that if I dont do something about my ageing then I will look 40 by the time I am 30 so I figured moisturising cream would be the way to go because I see Sara using it all the time and she has great skin and same goes for most chicks, but the instant I purchased it I felt weird and un-manly somehow ...I know people say that men are becoming so called Metrosexual but fuck me most of these "men" reffered to as metrosexuals spend 45 minutes getting ready and iron their underpants before going out and I just don't want to be associated with anything of a sort ... but I dont want to look old im going to be putting my anti ageing moisturiser cream on and drinking my "cocktails" until the cows come home. I will start to call my "cocktials" different names like " lightning water "  and " power juice " and " Sharks teeth " will make me feel better anyways ;)

That is all ,Peace out , Catch ,

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