Tuesday 30 April 2013

People enjoy watching other peoples misery....ITS FUCKED UP !!!

Hey hey hey my blogging friends I hope you are all well :)

So I was switching channels last night on the T.V and I came across a program that follows virgins on their way to getting over that final hurdle and getting some nookie. It just made me realise how sick and derranged the world has become nowadays if normal people are actually going to sit there and watch a show about some fat ugly lesbian chick who hasn't had sex yet. Most of the other people including this butch dyke had what looks to be some serious mental problems and I think this is the main reason they remain virgns because seriously for a normal person if you really want to it isn't that hard to get laid ;) Is it ? It amazes me that so many people want to watch other people in their lowest point in their life , it goes to show how the world is changing nowadays and its deinitely not for the better. If you told someone in the 60's or 70's that people in the year 2013 spend a lot of their time sitting on the couch watching morbidly obese people (biggest looser) try and loose weight and cry their eyeballs out each and everyday they would say your insane and his can't possibly be true. To be honest I think its disgusting and counter productive because it gives people the false sense of security that no matter how fat I get I can just do what they do on bigest looser and magically turn myself back into the person I once was , and to be perfectly honest with you these people who let themselves get to be 187 kilograms just disgust me ...how do they continue to eat 15 cheeseburgers for breakfast and think that this is normal human activity?! There should be a person at the door of each Mcdonalds saying NO! BAD FATTY! COME BACK WHEN UR NOT DANGEROUSLY OVERWEIGHT. Now this may sound harsh but I dont think it is because these people obviusly dont want to help themselves so other people may have to do it for them , or at least try and help them...ok maybe the Mcdonalds thing is mean and insensitive but it would be funny to see :P

                   These people should not be celebrated or normalised ...THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!

There is also this program I saw an add for the other day that was all about rednecks living in America in their trailers having sex with their sisters and just being rednecks in general , THEY ARE FUCKING TRASH THEY ARE AN EMBARESSMENT TO THE HUMAN RACE AND ARE NOT ENTERTAINING !!!. I just wonder at the kinds of people watching these shows , is it other redneck white trash seeing how their peers are travelling or is it just mainly the working middle class waching the rednecks just so they can feel some kind of sense of superiority over such feral and disgusting people. These people should me maligned and ignored and encouraged to become a part of the normal world because by celebrating people who are morbidly obese or who are 36 and a virgin or who live in a trailer with their whole extended family and have 4 teeth each and no education and no future and basically no hope, then we are becoming partly responsible for more people becoming morbidly obese and we are responsible for people to think its ok to have sex with your cousin because " I seen em do it on the T.V". Its a sad state of affairs where so many people in this world get so much enjoyment from watching other peoples misery.

That is all , Peace out , Catch

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