Monday 22 July 2013

Living in Oslo Vol.2

Hey hey hey all my Oslonites ? What the hell do you call someone from Oslo ;) :P ah I looked it up but can't find it so I've decided it's not important .

So yeah this summer so far has been amazingly awesome compared to last year when it rained about 4-5 days per week , whereas this year its more like rain maybe 1 time per week and im fucking loving it yo ! :). Went for a big walk up the river in Central Oslo yesterday and it was awesome because I saw many interesting things , including but not limited to , a gypsy cooking something in a pot on a fire she had haphazardly made just next off the walkway , what looked like a junkie shooting up heroin in the forest on the side of the river and a half insane man playing a guitar underneath a bridge like some kind of half crazy troll who had a few guitar lessons, in amongst this madness I followed the river and not only did it feature some of Oslos most depraved and disgusting people it also had many waterfalls and nice forest areas also so it kinda evened out in the end .

In summer the Scandinavian people come out of their immaculately presented and maintained  apartments and lofts and begin what I have dubbed "The Scandinavian Sun Worship"  , as on any patch of grass no matter where u are in the city be it on a main road or next to a big industrial concrete factory you will find them in bikinis and board shorts soaking up all the sun they can before the winter begins and they all must retreat back into their apartments for winter hibernation . Unfortunately I am really starting to understand there obsession with the sun in the summer as in the winter its like being locked in a big dark freezer for about 5-6 months of the year . Just yesterday when I was happily walking along this beautiful river taking in the sun and the serenity of it all I shuddered as I thought about the impending arrival of the harsh mistress they call winter here and I made me think that soon this path will be frozen solid with ice and walking will become a battle of balance ( I look like a newly born giraffe with 3 legs on the ice in the winter haha ) and knowledge of where to step , when it's so cold your beard freezes and your testicles retreat so far up inside your body they are neighbors with your stomach and when you need to dress up like an eskimo to even contemplate going outside to take a smoke . Aaaaaanyways enough thinking about the winter as its a few months away yet and this summer is kicking ass right now ... I read its gunna be 24 degrees today which is basically a bloody heatwave here in Oslo ;) . Anyways hope ur all enjoying the summer and that you get your quota of sun before the bloody winter comes back ... winter can suck my left testicle ... that's what I reckon ;)

That is all ,Peace out, Catch ;) :) 

A couple of pictures from the Riverwalk I did ... cant believe this shits in the middle of the city ... 

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