Monday 13 May 2013

How the hell have I become so bloody hairy !! :P

Hey hey hey everyone hope you are all feeling goooooood ;)

So yeah im pretty damn hairy and I am always wondering how this has occured because I am way hairyer than my dad and way hairyer than any of my living or possibly dead male reatives ...not so sure about the women because I havent checked :P. One time I was visiting my dad and he answered the door with no shirt on and I said " wow have u been shaving your chest " his response was,  " no why do you ask " hahaha seriously he has the same amount of hair on his chest as I did when I was about 16 ...its fucked up im not sayingI dont like to be hairy because its kinda cool in some ways in that I can grow a big beard and get respect from my fellow men without even actally doing anything ( my beard is actually a product of my laziness ) but I am constantly getting compliments about it and thats cool ....on the other hand I do get a lot of dirty looks to even out the compliments so its good and also bad ;).

The main reason I hate being overtly hairy is that I grow a mane like a fucking horse if I dont get my girlfriend to shave my neck/back it becomes so big you could just imagine jumping onto my back and trying to ride me like a bucking bronco ...YYEEEEEEHAAAAAA ! :P Seriously I was at work the other day and I looked at my neck in the mirror and I noticed that my "mane" was getting as long as one of my little fingers and this was way way to much haha so later that day my lovely girlfriend Sara got the pleasure and joy of shaving my back/neck hair like I am some kind of monkey/gorrilla. Sometimes I have even noticed a couple of long hairs growing out from my freaken ears ....Jesus christ what  am I going to look like when im 40 guessing I will just be a ball of hair walking down the street like cousin it from the Adams family. Ahwel not much I can do about it haha .... a few times I go my back/chest waxed and holy shitballs that was pain ...I have a tattoo and the pain was worse from waxing haha because its such a big area that gets pulled at the same time ...I remember my mate Amanda who was waxing me said wow look at the clump I just pulled out and I looked and I saw that all these bits of skin were still attatched to the roots and god damn that just made it hurt more . Either way im freaken pretty hairy but I always know that if I walk down the street in Greece my hairyness will look like that of a 14 year old boy in comparison to the Greeks haha

Is this what I will look like when im 40 ???

That is all , Peace out , Catch ! :D

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