Friday 3 May 2013

Stop shitting so loud !! :P

Hey hey hey people hope you are all bloody fantastic :)

Ok so I was at work today doing my business on the toilet and somebody came and used the cubicle next to me to make a poo poo and this of course is fine . The thing was that what followed was disturbing to say the least was like an eruption of epic proportions so big that im sure there was a huge amount of splashback onto the person in queston . It was really fucked up to hear and holy shit the smell was just as bad , I understand that sometimes this happens but it happens a fair bit at my work and its kinda weird , when this happens I am always finishing my business asap for 2 reasons is just because its nasty to be in the same room as this and two is because I dont want to meet this person at the sink when im washing my hands because it will be uncomfortable . One time a guy did terrible things in the toilet including some kinda weird groaning/grunting sounds and then I met him at the sink and he just smiled like nothing happened and everything was normal ...umm buddy I have ears and I have a nose and you just did some fucked up things in there man. If I let off a bomb explosion shit ( and of course I have before ) im not exactly rushing to get out of the toilet if there is someone in the next cubicle , I have been known to wait a couple of minutes for them to finish or whatever just to avoid this awkward meeting at the sinks :P ....Weird ppl in this world haha

 Whilst im on the topic I just reminded myself about something funny that happened to me :P . I was on Moreton Island just off the coast of Brisbane and was camping with some mates and I got up to do my AGB ( after grog bog ) the morning after  big night. The toilets there were the ones with the big drop and just piles of shit that they must empty somehow ( don't wannt know ) , but the fucked up thing was that I got SPLASHBACK from the drop and this fucking amazes me because the drop is like nearly 2 metres I would say , I must have taken the most precisely rounded shit and explelled it with just the right amount of propulsion and angle for this to happen ... why oh why did this have to happen haha :P Not sure if everyone really needed to know this but hey I reckon it's funny and its my blog so it's done ! :P

That is all , Peace out , Catch :) . Have a good weekend my legions of fans ...all 5 of you ;)


  1. Dude that is hilarious! And I think we can all identify with the purposeful linger after dropping a bomb... Who the F#$K races to get out and meet the other guy?!

    Love ur work locky! That SHIT is meant for some stand up comedy show :)

  2. Haha cheers Damo ... maybe I can sell my material to someone because im about as good as George W Bush when it comes to public speaking lol

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