Tuesday 21 May 2013

Mining the seafloor ....NOT COOL !!!

hey hey hey all my sea loving blogsters how the F are ya ;)

Ok so here's the thing , multinational companies are paving the way for seabed mining ( mining the sea floor ) because due to technology advances coinciding with higher commodoties prices this has forced the companies currently ingaged in raping and pilliging this great earth of ours to look elsewhere because they now see the end of being able to extract minerals from the land we live. There has already been given out explorationary permits to I think about 17 different companies which cover HUGE amounts of the ocean within each permit. This is so fucked up in so many ways !!! First of all its just a joke and also an insult to everyone on the planet when these companies come out and say that it will be "environmentaly friendly" ....don't give me that shit you stupid corporate fuckwit ...I don't give a shit about your "research" because it's all bullshit anyways and we all know that it WILL affect the marine ecosystem and what, you say " the ocean is so big " but what next , you start something like this and it will just escalate into the whole seafloor getting raped and pilliged and the whole marine ecosystem will collapse and this will have very dire consequences for the whole world... I read in a National Geographic Magazine about 3 or 4 years ago that even if we reduced the whole catch of animals/plants/fish etc from the ocean by %50 next year then it would STILL NOT BE ENOUGH to replenish the worlds fish population.

So basically the theory goes that you get a big huge vaccuum cleaner and basically suck up the whole of the ocean floor and everything with it and say that its all good and its not hurting the ecosystem ....yeh really ... sounds pretty fucked up to me and im sure everyone else reading this .


One interesting article I read recently was talking about the fact that whilst there is a race on to see show can successfully mine ( rape ) the ocean floor that there is also another race for minerals going on and it's in SPACE!! This is because scientists are looking at the possibility of mining big space rocks which have been known to hold up to %1000 more valuble minerals than normal "earth" rock ....I was so glad to read about this because it makes me think that wow somebody has finally come up with a great idea which makes sense and is ALSO environmentaly friendly at the same time !! :) I mean what a great idea there are BILLIONS of these rocks just floating around in space and if we could utilize them to create some kind of energy then the world would be looking at a great future when we dont have to think about the ending of fossil fuels and can move towards a planet WITHOUT FOSSIL FUELS. How cool would that be ...but unfortunately I don't think this will become the case because knowing how the world works and the fact that if there's a wrong way to do things that the people in charge of this great earth of ours will conspire against this and create loopholes allowing big companies to rape and pilliage what little protected habitats we have left on this beautiful planet to create a more safer ecomoic future in the short term and never think of the long term destruction of the environment...

Anyways I seem to be rambling a lot now so I figured I would stop haha , not even sure if anyone is even interested in what im talking about haha ...Anyways someone read it because your reading this now and your someone haha :) :D Cheers mate !! :)

That is all ,Peace out , Catch

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